Events > Open Call for Sponsorship: The International Investment Summit 2024

Open Call for Sponsorship - The International Investment Summit 2024  


The International Investment Summit 2024 will bring together around 300 industry leaders in business and investment to introduce the new Government to investors globally, to demonstrate the Government’s new collaborative approach, along with hearing how its mission for economic growth will make the UK the global investment destination. This event will showcase the UK’s offer, while underscoring major investment and policy announcements including the role of the National Wealth Fund, the Industrial Strategy and the economic growth mission.


This exclusive invitation-only event will bring together around 300 of the world’s most prominent key decision makers across a range of key sectors. It will be an opportunity for these guests to network with peers, Ministers, global CEOs, and VVIP participants.


The Event

The event will be held in October in the London area. The interactive programme will feature plenary and breakout sessions throughout the day, facilitating connections between industry and investment leaders with the UK Prime Minister, Chancellor, and other key figures to discuss the new Government’s economic vision.


Partnership Opportunities

DBT is inviting a select group of companies to demonstrate global industry leadership by partnering with the UK Government to drive investment into the UK.  


The International Investment Summit 2024 will provide Partners with the opportunity to:

  • Be at the forefront of the new Government’s vision, supporting their first, landmark interaction with key investors and industry leaders from all around the world and being a part of their economic growth mission.
  • Create positive brand positioning through partner branding, event marketing and communications channels.
  • Showcase industry leadership, through a range of partnership rights that promotes your business at the highest level of Government and Industry.
  • Engage a high-profile audience, interacting and networking with global business leaders and senior Government representatives throughout the Summit. 


To hear more about partnership opportunities please contact: 


Please note that partners will undergo due diligence checks from the Cabinet Office and Department for Business and Trade to comply with robust UK Government standards