Congratulations on having your abstract accepted for a platform presentation at the BGS Spring Meeting.
Your platform presentation will last 10 minutes, followed by 5 minutes to take questions from the audience.
Please note that abstracts will be published online as an Age & Ageing supplement.
Acceptance for publication will be determined from the discussion following the paper’s presentation, with the Chairman of the session making the appropriate recommendation to the Editor of Age & Ageing. The editor retains the right to make the ultimate decision, which will be final.
The paper is scheduled for presentation in a series of free communications sessions. You will find when you are scheduled to present on the website.
In addition to completing the confirmation form and the form authorising the BGS to hold the Powerpoint presentation (or not), all authors in attendance must register by 17th March 2017 for the Meeting. You can register here online
AV facilities
The meeting venue has full computer presentation facilities, should you require them. A computer is provided in each lecture theatre and the preferred software is Powerpoint. Please bring a copy of your presentation on a memory stick on the day of your presentation.
If you have any queries on the use of the AV facilities, please contact
When your abstract was first received by the Society, it was logged in and assigned a number. Having now been accepted, it has been given a second number which corresponds to its place in the Book of Abstracts. Throughout the Meeting, the second number will be used to identify your paper. To avoid any risk of error, it would be appreciated if in any correspondence, you would quote both the original BGS number and the Book of Abstracts number.