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Event Overview

Onco-Geriatrics Conference
8th December 2016 Wellcome Collection, London
Event Overview

There is an important and urgent need to explore the UK’s cancer services increasingly servicing an older generation with complex and multiple conditions. Older people are less aware of the health risks associated with smoking, alcohol and the benefits of keeping a healthy weight and staying active. Evidence, including the National Cancer Intelligence Network Older people and cancer report demonstrates that older people are more likely to be diagnosed with cancer via an emergency hospital visit rather than recognising symptoms and actively seeking medical support at an early stage.

With older people, treatment options and support is often impacted by their overall health and other long term conditions or medication. Providing the best support and care requires knowledge of each older person’s circumstances at every stage of their cancer.

Suggested measures that can help improve outcomes include:

  • Providing support for lifestyle changes to reduce their risk of developing cancer and to make them fitter for more aggressive (but more effective) treatments
  • Raising older people’s awareness of cancer symptoms
  • Ensuring an early and appropriate assessment of an older person is undertaken.
  • Delivering treatments based on fitness and patient preference, not patient age
  • Engaging older people care specialists as an active part of the cancer care team and a multidisciplinary approach to the assessment and management
  • Facilitating coordinated care and informed decision making

This event is intended for clinicians and healthcare professionals working in the field of oncology who are treating older people. The day provides a forum for scientific discussion and clinical updates and will enable a multidisciplinary audience of professionals to share their experiences of best clinical practice in provision of care to older people with cancer.

Who should attend:

  • Consultants and specialist doctors in geriatric medicine
  • Researchers in geriatric medicine
  • Doctors training in related specialties especially oncology, surgery and palliative medicine
  • GPs wsi in older people and GP trainees
  • Nurses and allied health professionals
  • Core medical trainees considering a career in geriatric medicine or oncology

Why participate:

  • Understand more on the key areas and challenges faced in cancer treatment for older people
  • Hear focused presentations on core areas of oncogeriatrics
  • Present the latest scientific research to professionals involved in the care of older people with cancer
  • Network and socialise with other cancer related healthcare professionals