2021 Climate Academy - Call for applications

27 September to 1 October 2021, Online Event

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 2021 Climate Academy: Urban Vulnerability and Nature-Based Solutions

Climate change impacts are being increasingly felt around the globe, often even more intense than projected. There is a growing consensus that the next few years are the last window to steer the world in a better and safer direction and avoid the worst consequences of climate change. The scale and ambition of the climate challenge require new ways of thinking and working – across sectors and thematic silos. Achieving sustainable development in all countries within the context of climate change, will furthermore require innovative forms of social engagement, along with new and improved technologies and mechanisms. Though the efforts from the scientific community to inform the climate change policy process are continuously increasing, people’s perspective, inspiration and pathways to climate action are scantily understood. Science-based participatory approaches are much needed to provide hope and direction. The Climate Academy addresses these challenges in a series of dedicated events on people’s pathways to climate action.​​​​​​​


Application process: 

  • 1 July 2021: Call for applications
  • 8 August 2021: Application deadline (extended)
  • 1 September 2021: Notification of acceptance

Further information will be provided on these websites:

