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Thank you for your interest in reviewing abstract and/or scientifc symposium for the Twelfth EDCTP Forum.

Please find the review guidelines here:

Please sign into the review portal with your account email address and password.

Update your contact information

If you are logged in for the first time you can update your contact information. Click the "My profile" tab to go to your profile page.

Submit a new abstract/symposium review

To begin the abstracts and or/symposium review submission process, please Login and click on the "Submissions" tab. Instructions on how to review will be displayed on that page.

Edit previously created abstracts/symposium review

If you want to edit or submit a previously created review, click on the "Submissions" tab. Please note that submitted reviews can only be viewed and changes are no longer possible. Saved, unsubmitted reviews are still accessible for editing.

If you have any questions regarding your registration to the submission platform, please contact