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Moving goods from EU to GB
Nordic-Baltic Industry Day
The process for moving goods between the EU and Great Britain has changed. New procedures will be introduced from 1 October 2021 and 1 January 2022, as outlined in the UK Border Operating Model.
The UK’s Border & Protocol Delivery Group (BPDG) & the Department for International Trade (DIT) Nordic & Baltic Network are pleased to invite you to the BPDG Nordic-Baltic Regional Industry Day.
For any business involved in moving goods into Great Britain, this online event will provide practical steps and insights into the procedures and systems at the borders, as well as information about new import requirements in GB.
The seminar will also cover the recently signed UK-EEA free trade agreement, and the requirements for Norway and Iceland.
Following presentations from Government officials there will be a question and answer session.
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14 September 2021
14:00 -16:00 CET
The link to the Teams webinar and the agenda will be sent to registered participants before the event.
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The Department for International Trade sits at the heart of the UK government. Our aim is to leverage the UK’s political stability and position as a global leader to help overseas businesses, investors and buyers successfully do business in the UK.
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