
Advanced Manufacturing
Trade Mission to Turkiye 

Delegate Information

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Meet the mission leaders


Bill Smith
International Trade Adviser -Advanced Manufacturing - Rail & Aerospace - DBT, Midlands Region
Contact Bill: 
Tel: +44 (0)7936 960 983
Email: Bill.Smith@businessandtrade.gov.uk


Zeynep Karamanli
Regional Overseas Specialist, Eastern Europe and Central Asia - DBT, Midlands Region
Contact Zeynep:
Tel: +90 (0)535 9401334
Email: zeynep.karamanli@fcdo.gov.uk


  Sibel Bilgin Koksal
Senior Trade Adviser – DBT Turkiye
Contact Sibel:
Tel: +90 (0)542 5653060
Email: sibel.bilgin@fcdo.gov.uk
Your International Trade Adviser should be your first port of call for any enquiries, and to help best prepare for the trip. 

You are responsible to cover the costs of your flights, airport transfers and subsistence. 

Pre Mission Itinerary

Details to follow


In Market Programme: 20 - 22 November 2024
* Programme subject to change

Wednesday 20 November    
Day   Mission delegates arrive in Istanbul, Turkiye
Thursday 21 November    
    Turkiye – UK Advanced Manufacturing Day
Venue: MEXT Technology Centre, Istanbul
08.30   Depart from the Hotel
10.00   MEXT Digital Factory Tour
11.00   Welcoming Remarks
11.15   Panel Discussion:
Advancing Manufacturing Technology:
Building a bridge between Turkiye and the UK.
12.15   Financing Manufacturing Innovation with UKEF
12.30   Panel Discussion:
Connecting the Innovation Ecosystem
13.00   Lunch
14.00   Session 1: Business Engagement (B2B meetings)
    Session 2: Market Access Roundtable.
Opportunities and Challenges for Collaboration on digital technology and services (TBC)
15.00   Roundtable: Driving R&D Collaboration between the UK and Turkiye
16.30   Depart from MEXT
19.00   Networking Reception
Venue: British Consulate General Istanbul
Friday 22 November
08.30   Depart from the Hotel
10.00   Site Visit to a manufacturing facility
15.00   Arrive back at the hotel
End of Programme


Travel information
Please visit the Turkiye travel page on the www.gov.uk for all up-to-date information on travel and entry requirements. These may change with little warning. Monitor this advice for the latest updates and stay in contact with your travel provider.

Delegates are responsible for arranging and paying for their own flights and airport transfers.

DBT Turkiye team will get a discounted price from a hotel close to the event venue. Detailed information will follow on how to book and pay.

Transfers between the hotel and event venue and for the site visit will be arranged by DBT Turkiye team.

Passport validity requirements
If you are visiting Turkiye, your passport must:

  • be valid for at least 150 days from the date you arrive

  • have a full blank page for entry and exit stamps

If you are a resident in Turkiye, your passport must be valid for 6 months from the date you arrive.

If entering Turkiye through a land border, make sure your passport has a dated entry stamp before you leave the border crossing.

Visa requirements
You can visit Turkiye without a visa for up to 90 days in any 180-day period, for business or tourism.

If you want to stay in Turkiye for more than 90 days, you must get a short-term residence permit before the end of your stay.

If you hold a different type of British nationality, such as British National (Overseas), check visa requirements with the Turkish Embassy or Consulate General before you travel.

Applying for a visa
The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has information on applying for a visa. If you plan to work in Turkey, make sure you have the right permits.


Delegate Travel Information
Flight and Accommodation details deadline: Friday, 25 October at 16h00

Places are limited on this trade mission, and we anticipate a waitlist will be in place. With this in mind, we encourage you to book your flights as soon as you have received confirmation of acceptance from us due to price hikes.

Once your  place has been confirmed, we will email you with details on how to submit your travel information. 

We require this by Friday 25 October at 16h00 to confirm your commitment on this trade mission. If we do not receive your travel details by the deadline, we will unfortunately have to offer your place to someone on the waitlist.


Trade Mission Delegation eDirectory
Logo and company profile deadline: Friday 25 October 2024 at 16h00

We will be producing a delegation eDirectory for the trade mission.

Once you have receievd confirmation from us, we will email you with details on how to submit your eDirectory information.

Logo Specifications
Logo's need to be as high resolution as possible (minimum 300dpi).

Submission Deadline
The deadline for the brochure submission is Friday, 25 October 2024 at 16h00.

Unfortunately, any late submissions will not feature in the eDirectory.


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Midlands Engine


Organised by:

The Department for International Trade

The Department for Business and Trade (DBT) is the Government Department that helps UK based companies succeed in the global economy. We also help overseas companies bring their high-quality investment to the UK’s dynamic economy, acknowledged as Europe’s best place in which to succeed in global business.