This workshop was about restructuring decision-making processes in hierarchical organisations, like the military, in the light of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning that will soon reach new dimensions (“real AI”).
Traditional Command and Control philosophy will increasingly come under pressure by imminent changes to the existing balance between centralised computing power (cloud) vs. computing at the edge (smart phones).
How is industry adapting to the impact of these new technologies? Business models from industry may serve as templates as government might have to follow service models that are globally available. What about specific military requirements? How will the workforce react? This hot topic was debated with experts from the NATO and EU institutions, academia and industry!
The subject was debated during the event with Colonel Robert Meeuwsen, Director, NATO Command and Control Centre of Excellence.
> The advent of the New Age of Computing: Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence
> The impact on Command and Control: Processes, Organisation, Skills
> Security challenges within Artificial Intelligence: How to overcome them?
“I very much welcome this debate as AFCEA discusses how we can leverage emerging Quantum computing and Artificial Intelligence in order to solve 21st century challenges. These technologies have the potential to enhance how NATO provides collective deterrence and defence in today’s dynamic and interconnected world.” General Markus Kneip, DEU A, Chief of Staff SHAPE |