Cardiology, Diabetes & Nephrology at the Limits Brazil
Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd October 2021
A Virtual Meeting
O Comitê Científico anunciou que a 2ª reunião anual 'Cardiology, Diabetes & Nephrology at the Limits - Brazil' será realizada na Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Unicamp nos dias Sexta-Feira, 10 - Sábado, 11 de Dezembro de 2021.Essa reunião anual continuará estabelecendo novos padrões em educação médica para essas áreas de doenças intimamente ligadas. Um corpo docente de classe mundial apresentará e discutirá novamente os desenvolvimentos de ponta em suas especialidades. O evento também é apoiado pela University College London, pelo Brigham & Women's Hospital em Boston e pela University of Cape Town.
Como em todas as reuniões 'At the Limits', a participação será estritamente limitada para manter a atmosfera íntima e gerar a feroz discussão e debate que se tornou a marca registrada desses eventos. O professor Yellon comentou 'por muitos anos, realizamos esses eventos separadamente, mas o cruzamento agora é mais distinto do que nunca e tornou-se vantajoso combinar os aspectos educacionais das reuniões. Também estou muito empolgado com o fato de os palestrantes nos permitirem disponibilizar suas apresentações no site 'At the Limits', juntamente com o site de nosso parceiro, do periódico The Lancet '.
The Scientific Committee has announced that the 2nd annual 'Cardiology, Diabetes & Nephrology at the Limits - Brazil' meeting will be held as a Virtual event on Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd October 2021. This virtual meeting will continue to set new standards in medical education for these closely linked disease areas and a world class faculty will again present and discuss leading edge developments in their specialities. The event is also supported by University College London, The Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston, and the University of Cape Town.
Professor Yellon commented 'for many years we ran Cardiology, Diabetes & Nephrology events separately, but the cross-over is now more distinct than ever and it has become advantageous to combine the educational aspects of the meetings. I'm also very excited that the speakers who address the meetings allow us to feature their presentations on the 'At the Limits' website, along with the website of our partner in the series, The Lancet'. Click here to register your interest in attending the event.
Professor Derek Yellon |
Professor Andrei Sposito |
Professor Otávio Coelho |
Professor Antonio Chagas |
The Hatter Cardiovascular Institute University College London, UK |
State University of Campinas Medicine School of Brazil |
State University of Campinas Medicine School of Brazil |
University of São Paulo Heart Institute São Paulo, Brazil |
![]() |
Professor John Cunningham |
Dr Peter Libby |
Dr Marc Pfeffer |
Professor Brian Rayner |
UCL Medical School & The Royal Free Hospital, UK |
Brigham and Women's Hospital & Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA |
Brigham and Women's Hospital & Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA |
University of Cape Town Cape Town, South Africa |
The full programme is HERE.
Details to be confirmed.
Who should attend?
This meeting is ideal for:
- Cardiologists
- Diabetologists
- Nephrologists
- Primary Care practitioners
- Researchers
- Scientists
When & Where
Thursday, 21 October 2021 to Friday, 22 October 2021
A Virtual Meeting
(Click for map)
Vitoria Concept Hotel
Av. José de Souza Campos
425 - Nova Campinas
Campinas - SP
(Click for map)
Apoio / Support
Os custos da reunião são patrocinados pela Indústria Farmacêutica. Os apoiadores estão listados aqui. Interessado em apoiar o evento? contato:
The meeting costs are underwritten by Pharmaceutical Industry. Supporters are listed here. Interested in supporting the event? contact: