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DBT Hydrogen & CCUS
mission to the UK
Low carbon hydrogen has a pivotal role to play in achieving UK’s net zero and energy security goals. The UK has ambitious, robust plans for increasing its development and this will bring significant growth opportunities for businesses.
The UK’s extensive renewable generation capabilities, geography, infrastructure, expertise and government innovation funding programme including the £960m Green Industries Growth Accelerator (GIGA), make the UK well suited to develop rapidly a low carbon hydrogen economy.
The UK has doubled its ambition to up to 10GW of low carbon hydrogen production capacity by 2030, with at least half of this coming from electrolytic hydrogen, drawing on the scale up of UK offshore wind, other renewables and new nuclear.
Government analysis suggests that by 2030 the sector could support over 12,000 jobs and unlock up to £11 billion private investment. (Source: UK Hydrogen Net Zero Investment Roadmap; Hyvolution UK brochure)
Department for Business and Trade (DBT) invite Finnish companies to join an UK visit 11-12 March to explore the UK hydrogen & CCUS opportunities and to engage with relevant stakeholders and experts.
This visit is targeted for Finnish companies and organisations
- interested in exploring the UK hydrogen & CCUS opportunity
- interested in expanding to the UK market
- interested in the UK hydrogen & CCUS capability
- looking to innovate and develop technologies / business in the sector
Tentative outline of the visit
Mon 11 March
Programme in London 11-15:00
- Introduction to UK Hydrogen landscape, policies, future opportunities, case studies by DBT hydrogen specialists
- UK Energy Systems Catapult and Connected Places Catapult covering their Hydrogen Innovation Initiative and hydrogen projects going on, barriers to wide scale deployment of hydrogen use, and what are the UK capabilities in technology wise
- Gateley Hamer and Gateley Capitus: Expertise and support on energy and hydrogen projects and UK tax incentives available
- Train from London to Birmingham
Tue 12 March
- Attend UK Hydrogen Conference in Birmingham
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11-12 March 2024
London and Birmingham, UK
Interested in knowing more – please be in touch with
Further readings on the UK hydrogen & CCUS landscape:
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Growing Green Together is a regional clean growth campaign from the UK's Department for Business and Trade in Europe spanning the Northern Europe & the Baltic region.
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