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Utilising Carbon Capture and Storage to reduce emissions in Sweden and the UK

The sixth UN International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report highlighted the role of carbon capture and storage (CCS) in achieving global climate goals.

Both Sweden and the UK have ambitious climate targets based on the Paris Agreement and CCS will complement broader emissions reductions.

The UK has announced plans to establish four low carbon CCS clusters and capture 20-30Mt of CO2 per year by 2030. Furthermore, the UK is well placed lead in CCS with one of the largest potential CO2 storage capacities in Europe.

Sweden is well placed to implement bio-CCs (BECCS) due to the widespread use of bio-energy and a large pulp and paper industry.

Through BECCS, Sweden has the potential to achieve negative emissions and possibly contribute to the needs of other countries and industries.

This seminar is hosted by The British Embassy in Stockholm and Klimpo.

By joining you will learn about market opportunities and insights, key projects, and policy developments.

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September 2022
14:00 – 16:00 CET
British Embassy Stockholm

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In partnership with:

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This event is part of a wider campaign called Growing Green Together created by the British embassies to the Nordic and Baltic region to highlight and connect technologies, research and innovation that pushes the green transition.


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