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Thursday 8th of July
10:30 – 10:40
Institutional Welcome
Jordi Laguarda, Director of International Trade and Investment for Spain. DIT.
María Estrella López-Pardo, General Director for Planning and Health Reform. Galician Regional Ministry of Health.
10:40 – 11:05
Scotland - Setting the scene. Challenges and solutions.
Professor George Crooks, Chief Executive. Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre.
What has been done and what is still be to done. Commercial opportunities for overseas companies/working with the NHS. -
Scottish companies' case studies
11:05 – 11:30
Galicia - Setting the scene. Challenges and solutions.
Antonio Fernández Campa, Managing Director. Health Knowledge Agency (ACIS).
Benigno Rosón Calvo, Head of IT Department. Galician Regional Ministry of Health.
What has been done and what is still be to done. Commercial opportunities for overseas companies/working with the Galician Health Board (SERGAS). -
Galician companies' case studies
11:30 - 11:55
Moderator - Gisela García Álvarez, Managing Director, Galician Health Cluster (CSG).
Scotland - George Crooks; Donna Henderson.
Galicia - Alfonso Alonso Fachado (Deputy General Director for Healthcare Management and Innovation at Galician Health Service, SERGAS); Patricia Fernández Liz (Managing Director of Services' area at GAIN).
11:55- 12:05
Next steps for collaboration and closing words
Jorge Aboal Viñas, General Director for Healthcare Assistance. Galician Health Service (SERGAS).
- Donna Henderson, Head of International Engagement Technology Enabled Care and Digital Healthcare Innovation. NHS Scotland.