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March 23-27, 2020

Innovation Days: Link 2020

Join us at Innovation Days: Link 2020,
THE GIS event for learning how to prepare for the utility industry’s biggest changes and trends,
along with maximizing the value of your Schneider Electric solutions!

Register Now!
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Are you ready for Link 2020?

Whether you are an electric, gas, water/wastewater utility or communication network operator, the annual Link conference is a great place to learn how to maximize your Schneider Electric solutions to meet today's growing demand. You will see product demonstrations and technology updates as well as tracks filled with training, product updates, and stories about how your peers are using Schneider Electric technology to make their workflows easier, more efficient and digital!

Register BEFORE January 15, 2020 to receive early bird pricing of $575. After that date, registration increases to $600.  Cost includes conference registration, breakfasts, lunches, Monday welcome reception, Tuesday beer pairing dinner, and Wednesday night bowling. 

Register now
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What do we have in store for you?

  • Learn from user presentations
  • Increase knowledge at technical sessions
  • Interact with technical experts in the solutions hub
  • Benefit from dedicated training track
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Expert Learning Sessions

Join Link 2020 track sessions to hear from our experts about all the latest on GIS products and technology.  Attend customer sessions to hear how your peers are using ArcFM solutions to benefit their business.

Dedicated Training Track

Our Link 2020 training track is packed with sessions covering our solutions, leading-edge ideas, and tips and tricks to give you the right tools for getting the most from your ArcFM solutions.

Solution Hub

Visit the Link 2020 Solution Hub to experience the latest solutions and technologies in action. 

Register Now
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Mobile App

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Eleifend. Tellus porttitor. Est vulputate fermentum aliquam purus velit tincidunt fermentum, hymenaeos Eros. Nascetur, tristique sed ac. Fringilla fusce fusce. Nascetur fusce quis feugiat pulvinar ac orci per parturient fermentum laoreet potenti inceptos arcu porta montes scelerisque at vitae turpis aenean, augue praesent. Facilisis.

Coming Soon (iOS) Coming Soon (Android)