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DIT’s International Trade Week was a fantastic opportunity for us to launch the event series ‘Europe North meets’. Under this initiative, DIT Nordic and Baltic advisers will engage in trade missions across the UK regions and countries to highlight key opportunities from their markets.

The first stop was the Northern Powerhouse. See below some of these opportunities we shared during the event.

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Denmark and Sweden

We will be exhibiting and hosting activities at the largest sustainable living trade event in the Nordics – Eco Living Scandinavia/Nordic Organic Food Fair.

DIT in Sweden and Denmark are hosting a Doing Business in the Nordics Breakfast seminar for UK companies on Thursday, 17 November from 8.30-9.30.

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Sweden has the potential to become one of the hottest offshore wind markets in the coming years. There are currently 40 projects being investigated, including floating wind projects.

Learn more at The Swedish Wind Energy Association's Annual Conference in Stockholm on Wednesday, 30 November 2022

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Denmark has just transformed the way it procures software for the public sector. It is now much more accessible for UK companies to gain access to the 1,200+ Danish customers that are part of the Dynamic Purchasing System for software.

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Northern Powerhouse as an investment destination

While the event was mainly focused on trade, there were also key lessons on why the Northern Powerhouse region is a fantastic investment destination for Nordic and Baltic companies.

There is a strong tech ecosystem in Manchester, which supports a range of digital clusters in the region providing strong networks and a business-friendly environment.

Liverpool is a great place for tech and energy businesses. The city has the right size to develop trust and personal relationships and the availability of talent and retention rates are impressive.

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