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Oslo Energy Forum - Roundtable breakfast meeting with Chair GB Energy, Dr Jürgen Maier

Dr Maier and Ambassador Thompson co-hosted a themed discussion on common challenges in accelerating clean energy deployment across Europe with key energy interlocutors.

As Chair of the newly established publicly owned clean energy company Great British Energy, Mr Maier was particularly interested reflections on the following:

  • The role of investment in delivering a clean energy system
  • The role of investors, developers, and governments in ensuring the public remain supportive of the energy transition
  • The current investment climate and barriers to new investment
  • The current supply chain challenges to meet the goals of an energy transition, and how they can be unpicked
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12 February 2025
Oslo, Norway

The event was separate from the official OEF conference programme, and by invitation only.

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Growing Green Together is a regional campaign from the UK's Department for Business and Trade (DBT) in Europe spanning the Northern Europe & the Baltic region.

Growing Green Together website

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