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Main features / benefits of joining the trade mission

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  • Option to join the networking reception on 24 April 2023
  • Use of DBT’s GREAT branded stand during the event as a place to hold meetings and display some of your company’s literature
  • Receive market briefings from DBT’s rail leads based in Sweden, Denmark and Norway
  • Use of DBT’s meeting room during the duration of the show as a place to hold meetings
  • Join presentations from guest speakers including the Swedish Transport Administration
  • Further guest speakers to be added, dependent on the UK companies that register
  • Participation in 1-2-1 meetings with regional rail stakeholders noting lineup dependent on the profiles of the UK companies likely to include participants related to infrastructure, rail systems, operations and OEMs/ maintenance
  • Support from DBT in being introduced to relevant market actors present at the show, as well as support from RIA’s representatives at the event
  • Option to be added as a co-exhibitor on the DBT stand (an extra cost payable to the show organisers), which enhance profile, with improved visibility
  • Options to join the show’s gala dinner (at an extra cost payable to the show organisers) and conference (may be in Swedish)
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