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Unlock UK medtech opportunities – Join the Nordic delegation to Birmingham & Cardiff
3 – 6 February 2025
Birmingham and Cardiff, UK
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Country Code
(+93) Afghanistan
(+355) Albania
(+213) Algeria
(+1 684) American Samoa
(+376) Andorra
(+244) Angola
(+1 264) Anguilla
(+6721) Antarctica
(+1 268) Antigua and Barbuda
(+54) Argentina
(+374) Armenia
(+297) Aruba
(+247) Ascension
(+61) Australia
(+43) Austria
(+994) Azerbaijan
(+1 242) Bahamas
(+973) Bahrain
(+880) Bangladesh
(+1 246) Barbados
(+375) Belarus
(+32) Belgium
(+501) Belize
(+229) Benin
(+1 441) Bermuda
(+975) Bhutan
(+591) Bolivia
(+387) Bosnia and Herzegovina
(+267) Botswana
(+55) Brazil
(+246) British Indian Ocean Territory
(+1 284) British Virgin Islands
(+673) Brunei
(+359) Bulgaria
(+226) Burkina Faso
(+257) Burundi
(+855) Cambodia
(+237) Cameroon
(+238) Cape Verde
(+1 345) Cayman Islands
(+236) Central African Republic
(+235) Chad
(+56) Chile
(+86) China
(+57) Colombia
(+269) Comoros
(+243) Congo (Democratic Republic of the)
(+242) Congo / Republic of the Congo
(+682) Cook Islands
(+506) Costa Rica
(+225) Cote d'Ivoire / Ivory Coast
(+385) Croatia
(+53) Cuba
(+599) Curacao / Netherlands Antilles
(+357) Cyprus
(+420) Czechia
(+45) Denmark
(+253) Djibouti
(+1 767) Dominica
(+1 809) Dominican Republic
(+1 829) Dominican Republic
(+1 849) Dominican Republic
(+670) East Timor
(+593) Ecuador
(+20) Egypt
(+503) El Salvador
(+240) Equatorial Guinea
(+291) Eritrea
(+372) Estonia
(+268) Eswatini
(+251) Ethiopia
(+500) Falkland Islands
(+298) Faroe Islands
(+679) Fiji
(+358) Finland
(+33) France
(+594) French Guiana
(+689) French Polynesia
(+241) Gabon
(+220) Gambia
(+995) Georgia
(+49) Germany
(+233) Ghana
(+350) Gibraltar
(+30) Greece
(+299) Greenland
(+1 473) Grenada
(+590) Guadeloupe / Saint Barthelemy / Saint Martin
(+1 671) Guam
(+502) Guatemala
(+44 1481) Guernsey
(+224) Guinea
(+245) Guinea-Bissau
(+592) Guyana
(+509) Haiti
(+504) Honduras
(+852) Hong Kong
(+36) Hungary
(+354) Iceland
(+91) India
(+62) Indonesia
(+98) Iran
(+964) Iraq
(+353) Ireland
(+44 1624) Isle of Man
(+972) Israel
(+39) Italy
(+1 876) Jamaica
(+81) Japan
(+44 1534) Jersey
(+962) Jordan
(+254) Kenya
(+686) Kiribati
(+383) Kosovo
(+965) Kuwait
(+996) Kyrgyzstan
(+856) Lao People's Democratic Republic
(+371) Latvia
(+961) Lebanon
(+266) Lesotho
(+231) Liberia
(+218) Libya
(+423) Liechtenstein
(+370) Lithuania
(+352) Luxembourg
(+853) Macau
(+261) Madagascar
(+265) Malawi
(+60) Malaysia
(+960) Maldives
(+223) Mali
(+356) Malta
(+692) Marshall Islands
(+596) Martinique
(+222) Mauritania
(+230) Mauritius
(+262) Mayotte / Reunion
(+52) Mexico
(+691) Micronesia
(+373) Moldova
(+377) Monaco
(+976) Mongolia
(+382) Montenegro
(+1 664) Montserrat
(+212) Morocco
(+258) Mozambique
(+95) Myanmar
(+264) Namibia
(+674) Nauru
(+977) Nepal
(+31) Netherlands
(+687) New Caledonia
(+64) New Zealand
(+505) Nicaragua
(+227) Niger
(+234) Nigeria
(+683) Niue
(+6723) Norfolk Island
(+850) North Korea
(+389) North Macedonia
(+1 670) Northern Mariana Islands
(+47) Norway
(+968) Oman
(+92) Pakistan
(+680) Palau
(+970) Palestine
(+507) Panama
(+675) Papua New Guinea
(+595) Paraguay
(+51) Peru
(+63) Philippines
(+48) Poland
(+351) Portugal
(+1 787) Puerto Rico
(+1 939) Puerto Rico
(+974) Qatar
(+40) Romania
(+7) Russia / Kazakhstan
(+250) Rwanda
(+1 869) Saint Kitts and Nevis
(+1 758) Saint Lucia
(+1 784) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
(+685) Samoa (Independent)
(+378) San Marino
(+239) Sao Tome and Principe
(+966) Saudi Arabia
(+221) Senegal
(+381) Serbia
(+248) Seychelles
(+232) Sierra Leone
(+65) Singapore
(+1 721) Sint Maarten
(+421) Slovakia
(+386) Slovenia
(+677) Solomon Islands
(+252) Somalia
(+27) South Africa
(+82) South Korea
(+211) South Sudan
(+34) Spain
(+94) Sri Lanka
(+290) St. Helena
(+508) St. Pierre and Miquelon
(+249) Sudan
(+597) Suriname
(+46) Sweden
(+41) Switzerland
(+963) Syria
(+886) Taiwan
(+992) Tajikistan
(+255) Tanzania
(+66) Thailand
(+228) Togo
(+690) Tokelau
(+676) Tonga
(+1 868) Trinidad and Tobago
(+216) Tunisia
(+90) Turkiye
(+993) Turkmenistan
(+1 649) Turks and Caicos Islands
(+688) Tuvalu
(+256) Uganda
(+380) Ukraine
(+971) United Arab Emirates
(+44) United Kingdom
(+1) United States / Canada
(+598) Uruguay
(+998) Uzbekistan
(+678) Vanuatu
(+379) Vatican
(+58) Venezuela
(+84) Viet nam
(+1 340) Virgin Islands (U.S.)
(+681) Wallis and Futuna Islands
(+967) Yemen
(+260) Zambia
(+263) Zimbabwe
Phone number
Company website
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Country of the company headquarters
Country of the company headquarters
United Kingdom
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Product / service of the company
Do you have experience in the UK market?
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What are your future plans in the UK market?
What are your future plans in the UK market?
What is your primary interest in the UK medtech sector and top three objectives for the visit (e.g. contacts to be met, programme topics, subsector interests, visit locations)?
What is your primary interest in the UK medtech sector and top three objectives for the visit (e.g. contacts to be met, programme topics, subsector interests, visit locations)?
I agree that my personal data can be used for marketing purposes by DBT and for DBT’s e-marketing purposes.
[Clear Selection]
I agree that my personal data can be used by event partners for the purpose of this event.
[Clear Selection]
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