Title Prof Dr Institution Rehabilitation Centre Valens Switzerland Bio Head Physician, Kliniken Valens; Member of the ICRC; Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. Jürg Kesselring (born in 1951) is Head of the Department for Neurology and Neuro-Rehabilitation at the Kliniken Valens, Switzerland. He is a member of the Assemblée of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), member of the Boards of the Schweizerische Hirnliga, the International Music Academy in Liechtenstein, and President of the Musical Festival Next Generation in Bad Ragaz. Previously, he served as President of the Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Society, the International Medical and Scientific Board of Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF), of the Research Committee on Demyelination of the World Health Organization (WHO) and of the World Federation of Neurology (WFN). Jürg Kesselring teaches at the ETH Zurich und at the Universities of Zurich, Bern und Krems. He has published more than 220 papers, 15 scientific books, and 3 poetry books. For his extensive scientific, medical, musical, and charitable service he has been honoured, e.g. by receiving the Golden needle of Honour for International Achievements and the Queckenstedt Price for scientific research from the German Multiple Sklerose Society. Visiting Professor at the University of Melbourne in 2012, 2014, and 2015. Margrit Egnér Prize 2015 „for outstanding achievements in anthropological philosophy and psychology”. First Honorary President of the Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Society, Lifetime Honorary Board Member of Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF) und Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. Jürg Kesselring is married, father of three, and a passionate amateur cello-player. |