Thank you for registering to attend our ‘Tree of life’ programme at The Turner Contemporary in Margate on Wednesday 30th October 2024, running from 11am until 4pm for 11 to 15 year olds.
We look forward to welcoming you, please could you fill out the below details to ensure our day can be as safe and fun as possible.
Turner Contemporary - Google Maps
The Tree of Life is an interactive activity developed by psychologists to help people talk about their lives. Creating a personal Tree of Life will help young people feel stronger and more positive about life with diabetes. This one-day session supports young people to develop problem solving skills to help deal with challenges that life with type 1 diabetes throws their way.
1. First Name
2. Last Name
3. Email Address
4. Telephone number
5. Address line 1
6. Address line 2
7. City
8. County
9. Postcode
10. I am a
Parent or carer of a young person (under 18) living with diabetes who I'd like to attend the event