Events > Regional Geology visit of Eastern Europe and Central Asia Network Mining enterprises to UK

Regional Geology visit of Eastern Europe and Central Asia Network Mining enterprises to UK

Monday, 13 March 2023

B2B meetings in Falmouth and London

Meet mining buyers and government representatives from Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia and Uzbekistan: 

The aim of the event is to introduce UK businesses to buyers from the mining companies of the Eastern Europe and Central Asia countries and to familiarise the companies with the UK mining offer. 


The region's underexplored yet mineral-rich landscape and supportive government offer a wealth of opportunities for mining companies. All the countries of the region are going through policy transformation to improve the mining sector's attractiveness for doing business. Kazakhstan has recently adopted a Geology sector development strategy for the upcoming five years, Uzbekistan's new Mining Code is about to come into force this year, and resource-rich Mongolia is at a turning point in its history with mining being the engine of the economy. Armenia and Kyrgyzstan are opening up doors widely to attract foreign companies to discover untapped opportunities. 

This event is for:

  • UK businesses specialising in geology, geophysics and related areas


Dates of the events: 

  • B2B meetings in Falmouth
    Tuesday, 14 March, Time TBC 
  • B2B meetings in London
    Friday, 17 March, 14:30 - 17:00 

Format of the event

The event will take place in the format of individual speed-dating meetings between the UK business and the mining representative from the market. Each company will have 20 minutes to speak to representatives of the mining company from the region, briefly share company offer, and exchange the contacts.

Please be kindly informed that due to limited time, DIT are unable to accommodate longer meetings with companies. If you have interest in speaking to a company in more detail following the B2B, please reach out to DIT officer responsible for the market you are interested in. In case of mutual interest, DIT officer will organise a follow up meeting.


    How to attend this event

    Register interest below by Friday, 03 March.


    Please kindly be advised that due to time constraints, you may not be able to meet all companies you choose, therefore, we kindly ask you to prioritize your interest. Registration confirmations will be sent to you in the follow-up e-mail by a member of DIT. 

    Visiting mining companies

    Familiarise yourself with profiles of the visiting mining companies from the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region. Click for more information and activities of these visitors. 

    DIT Advisors in the Region

    Have questions about exporting to Eastern Europe and Central Asia countries? 
    Reach out to DIT colleagues in the market: