College Expo Roadshows
Join us at the very first College Expo Roadshows for three lively face-to-face panel sessions, discussing key issues, hosted by colleges around Scotland.
Student Experience
Tuesday 28 March (1330-1600) – Borders College, Galashiels Campus
Chair: Jon Vincent, Principal, Glasgow Clyde College
Discussion during this hybrid event will focus on approaches that have been developed and implemented to meet student mental health and wellbeing needs over the past 12 months, as students have typically returned to on campus delivery. The Thriving Learners research was published in December 2022, with 2000+ responses from students and the intention is for this discussion to centre around the key points identified within the research, exploring what has been done to support students to date, but also what the priority areas are moving forward and what support may be required to make this as effective as possible.
Professional Learning
Thursday 20 April (1330-1600) – Forth Valley College, Falkirk Campus
Chair: Professor Ken Thomson OBE, Principal, Forth Valley College
Discussion during this hybrid event will focus on the topic of professional learning, specifically on what approaches are in place across the sector. This is an opportunity to explore how we can make professional learning most effective, taking into consideration challenges identified in the CDN Workforce Survey - time, access to materials, lack of budget. In addition, the session offers the chance to discuss CDN’s action research around professional learning, which was recently published. This research focuses on strategic and operational approaches to professional learning across the sector. The conversation may also focus around mediums of professional learning now that colleagues are predominantly back on campus, as well as the impact that GTCS professional registration has had and may have on the workforce moving forward.
Curriculum Design
Thursday 25 May (1400-1600) – UHI Inverness
Chair: Simon Hewitt, Principal, Dundee and Angus College
Discussion during this hybrid event will continue to focus on what the future of curriculum design is beginning to look like in a post-Covid world, taking on board learning from the past 24 months as well as recent developments. CDN are currently undertaking research in collaboration with the Vice Principals Group into current delivery methods for full time FE and full time HE. This, along with other practice may influence and shape discussions. Additionally, with recent advances in technology, more specifically AI, there will be opportunities to explore assessment, project-based learning and other core components that influence curriculum design, as well as to pose some questions that may reshape curriculum design in the future.