
Background Information

The Western Balkans (WB) are on a path of integration to the European Union (EU). Research, innovation, education and culture are essential drivers in this process – underpinned by evidence-based policy-making. The Thessaloniki Western Balkans Summit of 21 June 2003 laid the foundations for relations between the European Union and the Western Balkans (WB) economies. The joint Declaration adopted at the Thessaloniki Summit in 2003 welcomed, among other things, the endorsement of the Thessaloniki Agenda for the Western Balkans referring also to research technology and development.
Since these days, the policies across the region have been consolidated in favour of integration into the European Union. Numerous challenges still remain, such the need to strengthen institutional capacities, to overcome fragmented regional cooperation, to address climate-related challenges etc. 

Fostering the stability and prosperity of the region remains a key priority for the EU. As outlined in the European Commission priorities, green transition, digital transformation and an economy that works for people are crucial for relaunching and modernising the Western Balkans, helping to create jobs and growth, addressing the long-standing challenges faced by young people in the region such as limited job prospects, and inequality. Research, innovation, education and culture are essential drivers in this process - underpinned by evidence-based policymaking. 
In such a context, the Ministerial Meeting of the Western Balkans Steering Platforms on Education and Training, Research and Innovation, and Culture, play a central role in stimulating, monitoring and supporting the cooperation in research, innovation, education and cultural and creative policies and programmes between the European Union Member States, the European Commission and the Western Balkans. The annual Platforms’ Ministerial meetings allow identifying common priorities, discussing latest policy and reform measures, deciding on spin-off activities and follow-up measures as well as on topics for regional cooperation with EU assistance.


In cooperation with the Ministries of Education of the Western Balkans, the Commission launched in 2011 the Western Balkans Platform on Education and Training which had its first Ministerial meeting on 7 March 2012. Its objectives are to support the transition for the candidate countries, and to better prepare the potential candidates in the region, for their eventual participation in European Union policies and programmes on education and training. The Ministerial Platform meetings, which convene the Ministers responsible for education in the region and their main staff, decide on spin-off activities and follow-up measures to be taken. 

2024 marks the 18th anniversary of the establishment of the Western Balkans Steering Platform on Research and Innovation. It now meets annually at Ministerial level and aims at supporting the enhanced integration of the Western Balkans into the European Research Area. It is a strategic body to deal with European, multilateral and regional issues of Research and Innovation policies in and with the Western Balkans. It also acts as an information exchange forum where the latest national developments in a given field are presented, discussed and best practices are exchanged. 


The Western Balkan Platform on Culture was officially launched on 27 June 2022 during the annual Western Balkans Platforms Ministerial Meeting in Tirana. The establishment of this additional Platform is aimed at fostering cultural cooperation and policy dialogue and to help unlock the potential of culture and creativity for a sustainable social and economic development in the Western Balkans region.


This year, once again, the joint Ministerial Meeting of the Western Balkans Platforms brings together key stakeholders from the European Union and the Western Balkans region in an exchange forum. At this meeting, Iliana Ivanova, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, and the relevant Western Balkans’ Ministers will discuss policy issues of common concern and the concrete results already delivered accross the reion by the Western Balkans Agenda on Innovation, Research, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport.