Events > BIO International Convention 2023

BIO International Convention 2023

Discover the UK at BIO: Inspired, Innovative, International

Boston, 5-8 June 2023

Hall B, Stand 2348

Partners and Co-exhibitors

We are looking forward to welcoming you to talk UK Life Sciences and innovation at our Pavilion (Hall B) at BIO 2023.

UK Pavilion Partners

The strength of the UK's Life Sciences sector lies across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Meet our partners on our UK Pavilion (Hall B, Stand 2348) and on the Welsh Pavilion (Hall B, Stand 2085) to learn more about what the UK has to offer in life sciences across the nations:


We’re delighted to be hosting a wide range of UK life sciences organisations on our UK Pavilion this year. They will be available during the event to discuss their products and services with prospective overseas distributors and suppliers.

Look out for our co-exhibitors in the BIO One-To-One partnering system.



At Axol Bioscience, we support your pursuit of more effective, safer therapies. Like you, we believe that having more human-relevant disease models will expand scientificknowledge and de-risk drug development. We usehuman iPSCs to achieve this and have been doingso since 2006.We use donated cells from patients and iPSC technology to build physiologically relevant in vitromodels.

We have a special focus on neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease as well ascardiotoxicity to promote drug safety. When working with candidate compounds or novel therapies, our in vitro platforms give you betterearlier-stage modeling and safety testing and later-stage efficacy evaluation and improved patientselection.

With these data comes better insights, helping you de-risk projects, reduce costs, and save timeduring drug development.At Axol Bioscience, we help your science with better models of human disease.




Cancer Research Horizons

Cancer Research Horizons is the innovation arm of Cancer Research UK – the world's largest charitable funder of cancer research. We bring together world-leading minds, bold ideas and the right partners to bridge the gap between academic research and taking drugs to market. We focus on the tougher, more profound ideas that can lead to true innovation, translating them into effective treatments and diagnostics for cancer patients.

To date, we've played an instrumental role in forming over 60 spin-out companies. We've helped bring 11 cancer drugs to market, borne out of Cancer Research UK's pioneering research. Through these drugs, we have enabled in excess of 6 million courses of treatment for cancer patients across the world. With access to Cancer Research UK's network of 4000 exceptional researchers and clinicians, and £300+ million of annual research spend, we're a powerful partner in the fight to conquer cancer.





The Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult is an independent innovation and technology organisationcommitted to the advancement of cell and gene therapies with a vision of a thriving industry deliveringlife changing advanced therapies to the world. Its aim isto create powerful collaborations whichovercome challenges to the advancement of the sector. With over 400 experts covering all aspects ofadvanced therapies, it applies its unique capabilities and assets, collaborates with academia, industryand healthcare providers to develop new technology and innovation. The Cell and Gene TherapyCatapult works with Innovate UK. 

Website: or



Clyde Biosciences

Clyde Biosciences specialised in measuring and interpreting drug effects on cardiac cell function at clinically relevant doses. The company's proprietary technology combines a rang of human stem cell and other relevant in vitro phenotypes with a sensitive, data-rich measurement system and expert interpretation. The platform is demonstrable capable of screening-level throughout providing a more complete assessment of cardiovascular efficay and safety with in vivo and clinical preditability. 





Cumulus Neuroscience provides a reliable real-world multimodal digital data acquisition and analytics platform and end-to-end services and solutions for CNS clinical trials. Our platform is designed to be the gold-standard for CNS assessments, providing the critical data and insight needed for faster, more robust and cost-effective clinical trials that improve the delivery of new therapies to patients. We provide frequent at-home acquisition, combining neurophysiological monitoring (EEG) time-linked with a range of assessment tools, including cognition, mood, language and sleep. The frequent remote assessment significantly lowers patient burden and allows aggregation of multiple sessions to account for day-to-day cognitive fluctuation. Cumulus was formed in collaboration with leading global pharmaceutical companies to meet the industry’s complex clinical trial needs with a pharma advisory consortium, and Cumulus’ platform is currently deployed in clinical trials for neurodegeneration and neuropsychiatric diseases.




Domainex Ltd.

Domainex is a multi-award-winning integrated drug discovery research service partner, which provides the full range of pre-clinical drug discovery services. We work collaboratively in partnership with clients from a variety of sectors including academic, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and patient foundation organisations around the world.  Our team comprises of over 90 scientists, who are committed to providing high quality services, and have expertise in:

  • Protein production and characterisation
  • Structural biology: X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM
  • Assay development and screening (biochemical, biophysical and cell assays)
  • High-throughput screening (HTS)
  • Computational chemistry including virtual screening
  • Medicinal, synthetic and analytical chemistry
  • Fragment- and structure-based drug discovery

We have an excellent reputation; >80% of our clients signed up for extensions or additional studies in 2022 and >95% stated they would recommend us to someone in their professional network.





Epitopea is a recently established cancer immunotherapeuticscompany based in Cambridge (UK) and Montreal(Canada). We are translating the work of our scientific founders, Claude Perreault and Pierre Thibault whoasked: what unique features of cancer cells are visible to T cells and can be targeted for immunotherapies?Using immunopetidomics, our founders discovered mutation-containing tumour-specific antigens (TSAs)detectable by mass spec are rare and dramatically outnumbered by aberrantly expressed or cryptic TSAs arisingfrom a variety of dysregulations common in cancer, such as alternative splicing, dysregulated epigenetic controland loss of translational fidelity. These TSAs have a far greater chance of being shared between patients thanmutation-containing TSAs; furthermore, emerging results indicate a greatmany of them are immunogenic andthat they are likely to be amongst the targets exploited by immune checkpoint blockade. Epitopea intends todefine and develop a pipeline of therapeutic vaccines for durable cancer control.




Fusion Antibodies

Fusion Antibodies is a contract research organisation, which designs, and optimizes therapeutic antibodies for the healthcare market. We help clients solve complex, challenging problems throughout their early discovery antibody programs. Our expertise is defined by our experience. Unique process frameworks, and technology platforms, enable our clients to develop therapeutics within the most challenging modalities and diseases. Guiding clients through early-stage antibody discovery, in the most efficient and effective way, we enable biotechnology and pharmaceutical organizations towards their end-goal – the provision of treatments that improve the lives of patients worldwide.

As an independent team, we offer flexibility and agility that antibody discovery and development programs require. Our approach to projects considers long-term impacts on safety, efficacy, and manufacturability at every stage, de-risking antibody programs and maximizing success. As an early discovery partner, our scientists increase the pace to the clinic by guiding clients to develop the best antibodies possible.




G&L Healthcare Advisors

G&L Healthcare Advisors uses subject matter expertise and decades of experience gained in every aspect of Regulatory Affairs, Quality Assurance and Clinical Development to meet the challenges faced by healthcare companies globally. From product development and submissions to company-wide change management, we design, implement, and run quality, results-focused outcomes for all our clients. Our innovative solutions and services support clients at all stages of development to deliver meaningful change for the better.




Formed in 1998, Integrityis aLife Science consulting organisationwho arepassionate about helpingcustomers innovate and advance treatments for the well-being of the society.

We help our clients plan and implement digital strategies and solutions that dramatically acceleratedrug and device development, and optimise manufacturing, supply chain and quality processes.

By combining intelligent risk-based thinking with real-world expertise, we efficiently implement andvalidate digital solutions in accordance with regulatory expectations.

We are proud to have established long-term partnerships with our clients through close workingrelationships and successful outcomes. These partnerships continue to provide valuable insightswhich we carry with us as we navigate the changing business landscape.

We are your partner and your expert, helping you implement the right projects in the right way–delivering change you can trust.





Medicines Evaluation Unit (MEU) Ltd is one of the UK’s leading CROs, a facility where commitment toexcellence is paramount. MEU possess extensive pharmaceutical, scientific and clinical expertise,allied with fast volunteer recruitment, within a state-of-the-art hospital-based research facility.

MEU offer products and services to enable better, safer and more efficient study designs, particularlyin complex patient groups. MEU’s bespoke, phenotyped database and trial management system(ICARUS), assistsrapid study recruitment ensuring we meet our clients’ timelines. ICARUSpossesses over 32,000 active volunteer profiles and enables MEU to assess protocol inclusioncriteria, and accurately provide real-time feasibility.

MEU has a team of experienced Principal Investigators led by the world-renowned respiratory KOLProfessor Dave Singh, MEU Medical Director. To accelerate drug discovery, MEU have a host ofhuman lung tissue models for target identification and validation studies. The techniques usedinclude cell culture, immunoassays, immunohistochemistry, PCR and flow cytometry.




Micropore Technologies

Micropore Technologies offers savings in development time, increased yields and simplified operation for those engaged in development and manufacture of parenterals, particularly nano-and micro- sized particles for application in LNPs, PNPs, Polymer microspheres (eg PLGA, PLA), Hydrogels, and many others. We also support our clients with their GMP qualification requirements.

Headquartered in the UK, Micropore has offices in USA and India and has agents in Japan and Australia.





OBN’s core purpose is to catalyse success in UK life sciences, and as a not-for-profit member organisation everything we do is focused on helping our Members and the sector to thrive. Our membership of 460+ companies and organisations is spread across the UK with many in the Golden Triangle of Oxford, London and Cambridge. Members include pharma, biotech/medtechs, CXO’s, investors and associated industries (legal, IP, HR, PR etc). Becoming an OBN Member opens the door to a broad range of opportunities to catalyse your growth: via networking/partnering, our purchasing consortium, training and our consulting services. Our largest event is BioTrinity, an annual partnering and investment conference aimed at Series A companies, that attracts the best of life sciences in the UK. So if you are seeking connections in the UK life sciences sector, come and talk to us!

Your success is our success.




ONIX Life Sciences

ONIX Life Sciences was born twelve years ago in the UK, specializing in regulatory affairs, regulatory operations like CTIS uploads for clinical trials & eCTD publishing. In March 2023 ONIX was acquired by Framework Solutions LLC. Framework Solutions provides Clinical to Commercial Solutions to Biotechnology, and Pharmaceutical Companies with the goal of accelerating customer success. We provide both Strategic and Tactical Solutions in the areas of Medical Affairs, Regulatory, MLR, and Commercialization. These areas are supported by our Technology Group which offers tech-enabled solutions and integrated enterprise help desk/infrastructure support. We have provided services to over 225 clients ranging from Emerging Biotech to Large Pharma. We deliver these services globally with operation centers in North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information on our service offerings, visit our website at / and follow our page to stay up to date on the latest news! Transformation through Collaboration.

Website: /




Ori is a London and New Jersey based manufacturing technology company pioneering flexibleprocess discovery with seamless translation and scalable commercialization of cell and genetherapies. Ori has developed a proprietary, full stack manufacturing platform that closes, automatesand standardizes CGT manufacturing allowing therapeutics developers to develop and bring theirproducts to market at commercial scale. The promise of the innovative Ori platform is to fullyautomate CGT manufacturing to increasethroughput, improve quality and decrease costs bycombining proprietary hardware, software, data and analytics.Founded in 2015 by Dr. FarlanVeraitch (UCL), Ori has brought together a seasoned team with over 200 years of combinedpharmaceutical, CGT andventure building experience including CEO Jason C. Foster (Indivior), CDOOKevin Gordon (Tmunity), CTO Stuart Milne (Cytiva), CCO Tom Heathman (Minaris), Chris Mason(AVROBIO), Paul Meister (Thermo Fisher) and Annalisa Jenkins (DimensionTx) alongside expertadvisers like Bruce Levine and Robert Preti.





Pangaea is a South San Francisco and London based provider of a novel AI-driven product for characterizing patients across 4,000 hard-to-diagnose conditions in a privacy-preserving and scalable manner, which is helping clinicians in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry. Pangaea has clinically proven to discover 22x more undiagnosed, misdiagnosed and miscoded patients along with new insights; halve treatment costs; and drive sustainable collaborations between healthcare and the pharmaceutical industry. The founders (Dr. Vibhor Gupta, Prof. Yike Guo) have attracted $200 million through research and are advised by Lord David Prior (former Chairman of NHS England), Mr. Andy Palmer (former Head of Systems Integration at Novartis) and Dr. Thomas Dyrberg (former Managing Partner, Novo Holdings). Pangaea was awarded top tier status by Microsoft, which is exclusive for 30 of the 30,000 companies they work with and has provided the opportunity to apply its product across 140,000 healthcare providers globally.





Phaim is developing novel therapies for the treatment and early detection of autoimmune diseasewith a lead product in Type1 Diabetes.Phaim’splatform approach to autoimmunity will recapitulatethe normal regulatory immune response, preventing the onset of T1DM in prediabetics, andfacilitating the use of cellular therapies in the treatment of established T1DM patients. The platformhas means of identifying targets in other autoimmune diseases, such as psoriasis and we would lookto produce other therapies after our successful T1DM trial.Furthermore, with our proprietarydiagnostic kit, we will be able to predict who is likely to get T1DM andin what time frame.By doingso, we could potentially treat before the disease develops and look to ameliorate the need forinsulin.In short, Phaim canpredict,preventand potentiallytreattype 1 diabetes and otherautoimmune conditions.Phaim's T1D therapy alone has a potential of world-wide market capture.






Seda Pharmaceutical Development Services provides integrated Pharmaceutical Development and Clinical Pharmacology services to the Biotech sector. We enable rapid and efficient development of optimal medicinal products, from conventional to complex, through pragmatic and coherent scientific excellence. Seda was founded in 2015, and has since demonstrated exceptional growth and expansion in our capabilities which include consultancy, laboratory, and pharmacokinetic modelling services. We provide clients with the experience and expertise found in the development functions of major pharmaceutical companies but with the speed and flexibility required by fast moving Biotechs. Headquartered in Greater Manchester, UK, our bespoke laboratory and office complex is well equipped for the rapid design, development and evaluation of prototype formulation options, from preformulation services, to development of preclinical and clinical formulations. Enhancing the value proposition of our clients is our contribution to bringing new, innovative therapies to patients rapidly and successfully.





Touchlight is a privately-owned CDMO based in London, U.K., focused on the provision of DNA services and manufacture of enzymatically produced doggybone DNA (dbDNA™) to enable the development of genetic medicines. Touchlight provide rapid, enzymatic DNA development and manufacturing for all advanced therapy production, including mRNA, viral and non-viral gene therapy and DNA API. dbDNA is a minimal, linear, covalently closed structure, which eliminates bacterial sequences. Touchlight’s revolutionary enzymatic production platform enables unprecedented speed, scale, and the ability to target genes with a size and complexity that is impossible with current technologies. Clients can be supported from pre-clinical through development and supply, to licencing and tech transfer for use in-house.





Harwell Campus is a UK Research and Development powerhouse and designated Life Sciences Opportunity Zone near Oxford. It's recognised for world-leading imaging technologies, advancements in xRNA and nucleic acid therapies, vaccines, LNPs, diagnostics and AI-enhanced analytics. Pioneering a multidisciplinary cluster model, Harwell’s Health Tech Cluster brings together industry, academia, public bodies and investors, with £3bn of open access National research facilities, to commercialise and accelerate innovation. Home to organisations like Moderna, Catalent, Agilent, Vaccitech and Diamond Light Source (UK Synchrotron), Harwell is growing with plans for a further 1.5 m sq.ft. of developments.

Building on this success, Sci-Tech Daresbury proudly hosts England’s north-west Health Tech Cluster. Connecting local and national government, industry, NHS organisations, universities and Research and Development assets including the Hartree National Centre for Digital Innovation and the Infection Innovation Consortium, it creates a unique matrix, supporting new collaborations and growth.





You can book a meeting with any of our co-exhibitors in the BIO One-to-One partnering system. 

Companies that are part of our inaugural UK’s Life Sciences Innovators Showcase are noted above. 

Disclaimer: Our list of co-exhibitors does not imply UK Government endorsement of the companies or their solutions. There are more than 6,300 life sciences companies operating across the UK’s vibrant and diverse industry. Contact DBT to learn more about wider opportunities in the UK: or visit


Spotlight on UK expertise

Featured exporters ready to connect with global partners



Airfinity tracks, predicts and simulates population level disease outcomes in real time to inform decisions that can increase the global life span.

Working with the entire life science ecosystem, Airfinity supports the industry with a suite of proprietary surveillance tools and forecast models to analyse and predict disease outcomes. We use advanced meta science, statistics, epidemiology and machine learning solutions to dynamically understand true disease prevalence and underlying outcome drivers.

By combining this with expert analysis and commentary from our team of scientists, engineers and researchers, we are able to produce actionable insights to reduce health and economic burden.

Airfinity has become the world's leading source of disease forecasting, specialising in infectious diseases, cardiovascular, metabolic, and renal diseases and other critical areas including RNA.





Eramol was founded in the UK by Qualified Persons (QPs) with over 30 years’ industry experience and a shared vision to deliver what the market lacked - high-quality, end-to-end, bespoke clinical contract manufacturing, packaging and global distribution services.

At Eramol, we pride ourselves on adding value to our clients at every critical stage of their journey to a successful clinical study–from regulatory guidance, development services, manufacturing, to labelling and packaging, logistics and specialist supply chain services including UK & EU QP Release.

Eramol’s vertically integrated clinical services enables efficient turnaround for early phase development projects including import, manufacturing and packaging of psychedelics and other narcotics.

With manufacturing facilities in both the UK and Ireland and an established global distribution network, we deliver international clinical trial services that work smarter, more efficiently and more reliably for clients in a complex,fast-changing, post-pandemic world.




One Nucleus

One Nucleus is a not-for-profit Life Sciences & Healthcare membership organisation headquartered in Cambridge. We support institutions, companies and individuals in the Life Sciences sector providing local, UK-wide and international connectivity.

Through providing local, UK-wide and international connectivity, One Nucleus seeks to enable our members to maximise their performance. This support helps them achieve, or better still exceed, the goals they have set for themselves. Biomedical and Healthcare R&D have always been impactful in driving social and economic progress. In an increasingly outsourced, collaborative and multi-disciplinary sector, bringing the best people together is key to translating great innovation into great products that markedly improve patient outcomes and drive economic development. Attracting and enabling the best people to engage with is at the heart of the One Nucleus team ethos and what wecontinually strive to deliver.

