Events > Franco-British Trade & Investment Awards 2023













Franco-British Partnership Award

The Franco-British Partnerships Award will recognise a vibrant and successful initiative focussed on Franco-British cooperation. We are looking for initiatives that foster bilateral ties by building on shared interests and values.  

The award-winning initiative is one that has had concrete and durable results in any key sector for the UK and France (energy, defence, etc.) or on a priority issue for both countries (Net Zero, future working, Levelling Up, etc.). 

The company must be able to provide evidence of its commitment to bilateral working and demonstrate a positive and measurable impact on the UK-France economic relationship. These initiatives can be joint ventures between a UK and French company to promote investment, a partnership between a UK and French company dedicated to exports on both sides of the Channel, or even an SME that has been working on market access to facilitate UK-France trade. 

Following the UK-France Summit in March 2023, both the UK and France are committed to supporting closer bilateral working and economic growth. Business was at the heart of the Summit’s agenda.  


  • Extent of the commitment to fostering Franco-British trade collaboration 

  • Quality and relevance of the initiatives taken to foster collaboration 

  • Potential for repetition in other sectors to service the UK-France relationship 

  • Can be a UK or a French company headquartered in either France or the UK