#PostASH2024 - Join us on LinkedIn! 

Join the 26th Post-ASH Meeting 2024 Community on LinkedIn


Are you ready to be a part of the 26th Post-ASH Meeting 2024? Join the BHS LinkedIn community, where you can share your active participation in the upcoming 26th Post-ASH! Engage with us on social media and be a part of this year's edition.

Connect and Engage

Whether you're an attendee, a speaker, or a sponsor, our social media channels are the ideal place to network, exchange ideas, and foster valuable relationships within your field. Share your participation and all the memorable moments with a community that shares your passion.

#PostASH2024 - The Official Hashtag

Make sure to use our official hashtag, #PostASH2024, to stand out in the online conversation and connect with other participants and members of the BHS Community. Share your thoughts, experiences, and memorable moments using the official hashtag, tag the BHS LinkedIn account, and become a part of the conference's digital legacy.

Suggested Copy

Struggling to find the right words to convey your enthusiasm about the conference? We've got you covered! Explore our selection of text proposals designed to inspire your social media posts. 


"I’m attending the #PostASH2024, on Friday, January 12th, 2024 in Brussels. Join me and take part in the debate: eu.eventscloud.com/PostASH2024/"

"I’ll be speaking at #PostASH2024, on Friday, January 12th, 2024 in Brussels. Hope to see you there! eu.eventscloud.com/PostASH2024/"


Images Proposal

Do not hesitate to enhance your social media presence with our curated visuals, designed to complement your posts perfectly. 


