AI in College Education: Policy, Practice, and Productivity

Friday, 22nd September 2023

10:00 - 16:20

About the event

Delve into the future of tertiary education with our latest AI event, 'AI in College Education: Policy, Practice, and Productivity.' Taking place on Friday, 22nd September at Forth Valley College’s Falkirk campus, this one-day in-person summit brings together educators, technologists, and policymakers to discuss the crucial role Artificial Intelligence (AI) will have in reshaping the education landscape.

The day opens with a morning session designed to highlight the current and future impact of AI in the sector. Engage with key experts as they dissect and interpret the shifting contours of education under the influence of advancing technology. Explore, alongside fellow participants, the transformative possibilities that AI holds, whether in terms of personalising education, optimising college operations, or enhancing assessment processes.

In the afternoon, the event will pivot to an in-depth exploration of three major areas: Policy, Practice (with a specific emphasis on assessment), and Productivity. You will have the opportunity to:

Policy: Join in a rich dialogue led by Colleges Scotland on crafting robust and      dynamic policies that support AI integration into Scotland's college education. This session will consider important topics such as ethical AI usage, data privacy, and accessibility to ensure a fair and beneficial AI-driven education system.

Practice: Focus on the practical aspects of AI in assessment, this segment will examine how AI can streamline grading, provide personalised feedback, and potentially revolutionise the way we measure student success. It's an opportunity to explore the intersection of technology and pedagogy, drawing insights from emerging practice across the sector.

Productivity: Explore how AI can enhance productivity in the college environment. This discussion will span both academic and administrative domains, investigating how AI can automate routine tasks, foster effective learning pathways, and ultimately contribute to improved student and staff productivity.

Whether you're an educator seeking innovative ways to engage students, a policymaker aiming to understand the nuances of AI in education, or a tech enthusiast intrigued by the possibilities AI presents for the future of education, this event is for you.

Don't miss this chance to be at the forefront of AI integration in college education. Come, contribute, and co-create the future of learning at 'AI in College Education: Policy, Practice, and Productivity.' Secure your place now for a day that promises to be as enlightening as it is inspirational.

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