Events > Medica 2023

Medica 2023

UK MedTech: Inspiring, International, Informed


The UK's Department for Business and Trade (DBT) is delighted to be at Medica 2023, showcasing the very best innovative MedTech companies from across the country to buyers and investors around the world.

Why the UK?

The UK has a globally competitive MedTech sector, supporting over 138,000 jobs, 3,000 businesses, and driving over £4.1bn annually in exports. 

The UK’s world-leading university sector directly feeds into the thriving eco-system of over 3,000 companies developing new medical devices and technologies – from cutting edge surgical robotics to advances in genomic sequencing. 

The NHS serves as a principal driver and customer for the UK MedTech sector, spending over £10bn on MedTech each year. The UK Government has also demonstrated its ambition and vision for the sector, both through the overarching Life Sciences Vision and more specifically through DHSC’s MedTech Strategy published in early 2023.  


UK MedTech Key Stats

  • £30bn – annual turnover in 2021
  • £10bn – estimated NHS annual spend on MedTech
  • 3,000 – number of businesses that make up the UK MedTech industry
  • 32% - proportion of UK life sciences sector turnover represented by MedTech