FAQ for EaP CSF delegates attending the EaP CSF Civil Society Summit

Thank you for your interest in attending the EaP CSF Civil Society Summit. The answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding your participation in the event can be found below. If your question is still unanswered, please contact the EaP CSF Secretariat at admin@eap-csf.eu.

- Registration and cancellation policy

I am not available for the entire period. Is it possible to attend one day of the Summit only?

EaP CSF delegates are encouraged to attend the entire Summit (November 19-21, 2024). If you can only partially attend the EaP CSF Civil Society Summit, please get in touch with the Secretariat at admin@eap-csf.eu and explain your situation.

I am not available to attend the Summit. However, a colleague from the same organisation is available. Can s/he attend the CSS on behalf of our organisation?

If you cannot join the Summit and would like your organisation to be represented by another employee, please confirm this with the Secretariat before the registration deadline. You will be asked to explain how the replacing person will contribute to the Summit.

I am not available to attend the Summit. However, a friend from another organisation would be interested in attending. Can s/he replace me in the Summit?

If you cannot join the Summit and would like your organisation to be represented by a third party (a person who is not part of the organisation), your replacement request will be declined by the Secretariat. Only delegates have the right to benefit from sponsored participation at the Summit. Observers and Forum members are welcome to participate at their own cost (subject to the Secretariat approval connected to the venue capacity). If you cannot attend the Summit, it is better to delegate the right to participate in the event to another colleague from the same organisation as yours.

Is it possible to cancel my participation after I register to participate in the Summit? What is the cancellation policy?

If you cannot attend the Summit anymore, please inform the Secretariat about the reasons behind your cancellation (medical reasons / family-related reasons, etc.) and provide a justification for your cancellation (i.e. medical certificate). Please note that the flight tickets are not refundable and depending on the reasons for your cancellation, you might be requested to reimburse the costs of your flight tickets. Please check with the Secretariat what conditions apply to you.

- International transportation


I am a funded delegate travelling to Vienna for the CSS. However, after the event, I will be travelling elsewhere. Can the organisers book my flight ticket accordingly? Which conditions apply?

The (international) travel budget dedicated to each delegate who attends the Summit is 500 EUR/ person/ round trip. Depending on the cost of the round trip (including the costs of your trip from Vienna to your next destination), the travel agency will let you know if the total costs of the trip are eligible or not and if you need to cover the costs.

Would it be possible to book me on the same flights as my colleague?

Yes, this is possible, if the most affordable flight option available on the day when your tickets are booked stays the same as in your colleague’s case. Please express any flight preferences to the Travel Agent who will contact you after your registration.

I do not live in the capital of my country. Is it possible to receive a reimbursement for my trip to and from the airport in my home country?

Unfortunately, the local transportation costs in the country of the delegates are not covered by the Forum.

My passport is still valid, but it will expire at the end of November. Can I still travel to Vienna with my passport?

In principle, you cannot. It is a requirement that the expiration date of your passport is (at least) 3 months AFTER your return from the Schengen State. However, in justified cases of emergency, the Consulate may deviate from this rule. Please check with the Consulate of Austria in your country if any exception can be made in your case. Otherwise, please renew your passport at your earliest convenience, prior to booking any flight tickets.

By mistake, I misspelt my last name/ first name in the registration form and my tickets have been booked under the wrong name. What can I do?

Unfortunately, the name mentioned on the tickets cannot be changed. Check with your Travel Agent if there is any “name change fee” that could be applied in your case. To avoid such errors, the travel agent should ask for a scanned copy of your passport prior to booking any tickets.

What is the 24-hour confirmation policy and why do I need to confirm my flight ticket within this timeframe?

To avoid a significant increase in the flight ticket price, we recommend all delegates confirm their travel options as soon as possible, after their reception. If the travel option that you received does not match your agenda, please let the travel agent know as soon as possible and another option could be issued for you.

I have missed my flight to Vienna for the Civil Society Summit. What can I do?

If you missed the flight due to personal reasons (i.e. late arrival at the airport, flat tire, family emergency or oversleeping), contact the airline responsible for your flight immediately and once you arrive at the airport, try to negotiate a changing fee that will allow you to take the next flight within hours. If this unfortunate change of plans affects your connecting flight, check with the operator what would be the best way to notify the airline responsible for your next flight about your case.

If you missed your connection to Vienna due to the late arrival of your first flight, then the airline responsible for your flight will have to find a solution for you. Check immediately with the operator responsible for your situation.

Regardless of the reason why you missed your flight, please inform the Secretariat about it as soon as possible.

My flight to Vienna got cancelled. What can I do?

If your flight to Vienna got cancelled, please check with the airline what flight options can be offered to you on that day/ the next day, at the latest. Please inform the Secretariat immediately as soon as you receive the news that your flight to Vienna has been cancelled.

My checked luggage got lost. What can I do?

If your luggage got lost, please submit a claim with the “Baggage Claim Office” at the airport. They will try to locate your missing luggage and inform you as soon as possible when they will be able to deliver it back to you. Please be ready to provide the “Baggage Claim Office” with the address of your hotel in Vienna and your home address in your own country. Do not lose your baggage claim tickets and be ready to provide the airline with the receipts of any items you had to purchase because your luggage went missing, as you might be eligible for reimbursements.

- Schengen Visa

My Schengen visa is valid until 31 December 2024. Can I travel to Austria with the current visa or should I apply for a new one?

In principle, you cannot. It is a requirement that the expiration date of your Schengen Visa is 3 months AFTER your return from the Schengen State. Please check with the Consulate of Austria in your country if any exception can be made in your case. Otherwise, please apply for a new Schengen visa at your earliest convenience, prior to booking your flight tickets. Please request a Visa Support Letter from the Secretariat.

I do not hold a valid Schengen visa. How can I attend the event?

If you do not hold a valid Schengen visa, please contact the EaP CSF Secretariat and request a visa support letter. Please check with the Consulate of Austria in your country what are the conditions that need to be fulfilled prior to the application for a Visa. Your Visa costs will be reimbursed by the Secretariat. Please inform the Secretariat in advance about this cost.

My visa has been issued by, for example, the Consulate of Austria in my country. Could I use this visa to make a trip to other Schengen States?

Yes. According to the Schengen rules, the Schengen visa is generally valid for all the countries in the Schengen area.  The territorial validity of your visa is indicated on the visa sticker under the heading "Valid For".

I applied for a Schengen Visa, but my application has been refused. What can I do?

You may appeal against this decision. The decision to refuse a Schengen visa and the reasons for the refusal are notified using a standard form that is handed out by the Member State's consulate that refused the visa. The notification of the refusal must include the reasons, on which the refusal was based, and the procedures and deadlines for submitting an appeal. You are free to re-apply again if your application has been refused earlier. However, it is recommended that you take note of the reasons for the earlier refusal before submitting a new application and make amendments, where necessary. The visa fee is not refunded if the visa is refused. Please inform the Secretariat if your Visa has been refused.


- Local transportation in Vienna

Will there be a shuttle service to take participants from the airport toann the hotel? If not, how do I get there?

Yes, information about local transportation in Vienna (from and to the airport) will be communicated to you in the logistics note you will receive two weeks before the Summit.


- Accommodation in Vienna

Is it possible to have an early check-in/ late check-out at the hotel?

Upon availability, you may benefit from an early check-in. If you wish to check out late, please check with the reception of the hotel what conditions apply.

My partner/ spouse is accompanying me to Vienna during my trip for the EaP CSF Civil Society Summit. I would like to book a double room. Are there any cost implications?

Yes, a supplement will be applied for double occupancy. Please mention this detail in the registration form.  You will pay the supplement upon your arrival at the hotel.

I am a funded delegate and my accommodation costs for the Summit are covered by the Forum. However, I would prefer to stay with friends in Vienna. Would this be possible?

Sure, this is possible. In this case, in the registration form, you should not request any accommodation and choose the option “No lodging required”. If you book your accommodation but do not check in at the hotel, then you will be requested to cover the costs of the room.


- Main venue facilities

Is Wi-Fi available at the venue?

Yes, a free Wi-Fi connection will be available in both your hotel room and in the meeting rooms reserved for the Summit.

I am vegetarian/ vegan or I have certain food restrictions. Would it be safe for me to consume any food during the event?

In the registration form, you will be asked to mention any food restrictions you may have or any preferences (vegan/ vegetarian/ no fish/ no seafood, no pork, etc.). During breakfast/ coffee breaks/ lunch/ dinner, a separate section will be dedicated to those who have any food restrictions. All items will be clearly labelled to allow you to fully enjoy your meals.


- Per diem

As a funded delegate, I am entitled to receive per diem for my participation in the Summit. How is it calculated and when is it distributed?

A per diem rate for funded delegates will be calculated. You will receive the money in cash during the first and second days of the EaP CSF Civil Society Summit, after signing the attendance list.


- Agenda and other materials

I have registered for the Summit, however, I have not yet received the agenda. When will it be made available?

Details regarding the Agenda, confirmed speakers and specific timing, will be released on the EaP CSF website as details become available. All registered delegates will receive the final agenda by email prior to the event.

Will I receive any materials from the EaP CSF Secretariat before the Civil Society Summit?

Yes, prior to the Summit, the EaP CSF will share with you several documents that will require your attention.

I have registered for the Summit and, for networking purposes, I would like to get in touch with certain organisations/ participants.

Please reach out to the Secretariat should you want to get in touch with a specific organisation/ participant in the EaP CSF Civil Society Summit.

- Attire


What is the proper attire for the event?

Business casual attire is appropriate for all meeting sessions and events.