What to expect from this event
This professional development workshop on Early Childhood and Primary Education aims at deepening the participants’ knowledge on the development of various competences including digital (DigComp), entrepreneurial (EntreComp), lifelong learning (LifeComp) and sustainability (GreenComp) and highlight the integration of eTwinning as a tool for upscaling those competences. Additionally, it aims to equip them with practical strategies and resources to enhance their teaching practices. The workshop encourages active engagement, collaboration, and reflection to support educators in promoting the holistic development of their students.
In specific, the objectives of the workshop entail:
Familiarize participants with the frameworks of digital competence (DigComp), entrepreneurial (EntreComp), lifelong learning (LifeComp), and sustainability (GreenComp) and their connection to eTwinning.
Encourage participants to reflect on their current teaching practices and identify opportunities for integrating eTwinning projects to develop key competences.
Exchange ideas and experiences with other early childhood education and primary teachers and experts in the field.
Offer them opportunities to initiate eTwinning projects that are related to one or more of the above frameworks.
The first day of the event will be open for public.
You can download the agenda HERE.
Join the public Live Stream of Day 1 on Thursday 9 November at 15:00 CEST HERE!
The onsite professional development workshop will be opened by collegaues from the Spanish Ministry of Education, CSS and NSO.
The event’s first keynote speech will be delivered by Irene Pateraki and Alexandra Almpanidou, who will present an interactive session Innovate, Educate, Sustain: A Roadmap with Four Frameworks.
The live stream of the event will cover the second part of the eTwinning European Prize Award Ceremony. During the ceremony, two of the winning eTwinning projects will be highlighted, and their success will be celebrated with the community.
Day 2 and 3 are filled with parallel workshops, keynotes and panel discussion that are available for registered participants. Contact your National Support Organisation for more details.