Registration is open

MTS Virtual Insight Session, Tuesday 5th March 2024, 1230 to 1330 GMT  

At Barclays we recognise that Service personnel have outstanding experience, transferable skills and core values that can add significant value to the commercial sector. From leadership skills to strategic thinking and problem solving, the strengths displayed by Service Leavers and Veterans are highly transferable into Financial Services.

Attendees of this virtual event will have the opportunity to hear from the Barclays Military and Veterans Outreach team. They will outline the Military Talent Scheme and the opportunities on offer. In addition, they will also highlight the transferable skills that service personnel can bring to the business.

Details on how to join this virtual event will be sent to you separately.

Please note this event is only relevant to those who are in their final six months to one year of service in the UK Armed Forces. 


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For further information, please contact:

Barclays Military and Veterans Team

Barclays Military and Veterans Team