What to expect from this event


eTwinning Annual Conference 2024 - Wellbeing at school



eTwinning invites teachers, schools, and education stakeholders from across Europe to embark on an journey towards promoting wellbeing at school, to create a positive impact in students’ lives. The theme of the conference will link together onsite and online activitites designed to engage participants and nature of the eTwinning community spirit.



To empower participants to become eTwinning ‘power users’ (eTwinners who have the ability, skills and enthusiasm to engage other colleagues and involve them in eTwinning), and feel included in the eTwinning community, by participating in workshops and networking activities on the theme of the conference,



  • To share and promote the latest research, policy and practice in wellbeing at school, development of social-emotional skills and students empowerment. 
  • To promote teacher collaboration and professional development: facilitating collaboration and knowledge-sharing among teachers, providing opportunities to strengthen their understading of wellbeing and equip them with effective strategies to promote student wellbeing. 

  • To disseminate best practices and success stories of eTwinning projects that effectively integrate the theme of wellbeing, development of social-emotional skills and student empowerment, providing inspiration and guidance to other educators.


The participation to the eTwinning Annual Conference must be validated by the NSO.


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