
Dirk Kutscher
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
Dirk Kutscher is a professor at the Internet of Things Thrust at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). He is co-chairing two Research Groups in the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) on Information-Centric Networking (ICNRG) and on Decentralized Internet Infrastructure (Proposed DINRG). Dirk has published several IETF RFCs, books, and research publications on Internet technologies. He has a PhD from Universität Bremen.

Ning Wang
Universities of Surrey and Bristol
Prof. Ning Wang is currently a full professor at Universities of Surrey and Bristol (in the transition period from Surrey to Bristol). His research areas include future network systems (6G, satellite networks and the Internet), network management and content delivery technologies. Over the past 20 years he has been leading and involved in nearly 30 R&D projects funded by DSIT, EPSRC, ESA, and EU on various technical topics. Currently he is technically leading the £12M TUDOR project funded by UK Department of Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) which focuses on open 3D networking towards 6G.

Vasilios Siris
Athens University of Economics and Business
Vasilios Siris is Professor and vice President of the Department of Informatics at the School of Information Sciences and Technology, Athens University of Economics and Business. During the 2023-2024 academic year he was on sabbatical at the University of Coimbra, Portugal and the City, University of London, UK. His current research include digital identities, decentralized trust, sustainability in 6G systems, and authentication in Quantum Key Distribution.

Jianwei Zhang
University of Hamburg
Jianwei Zhang is Professor and Director of Technical Aspects of Multimodal Systems, Department of Informatics, University of Hamburg. He is member of German Academy of Science and Engineering, International Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering,and member of Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg. He received both his Bachelor of Engineering (1986, with distinction) and Master of Engineering (1989) in the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University, his PhD (1994) in the Institute of Real-Time Computer Systems and Robotics of Department of Computer Science of University of Karlsruhe, Habilitation (2001) of Technical Faculty of University of Bielefeld, and in 2002 became full-professor of Department of Informatics of University of Hamburg. Jianwei Zhang´s research interests include multimodal information processing, cognitive sensor fusion, brain-inspiredmultimodal prediction,human-machine interaction, etc. In these areas, he has published in total over 500 journal/conference papers and books, and received multiple best paper awards of numerous international conferences. Many of the R&D results have been applied in civil practices with real-world impact. He is the coordinator of DFG Transregional Collaborative Research Centre SFB/TRR169 “Crossmodal Learning: Adaptivity, Prediction and Interaction”. He has led several large-scale EU、BMBF、DFG and industry-funded projects on networked sensing, robotics and intelligent manufacturing. He is the Program Co-Chair of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA2011, the General Chair of IEEE MFI (Multisensor Fusion and Integration) 2012, the General Chair of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems IROS 2015.

Tarsicio Lopez Delgado
Rivada Space Networks GmbH
Academic background:
- MSc. Telecommunications Engineering, ETSI Málaga
- Security-related certifications so far: CISSP
Professional background:
- Since 2010 working on aerospace topics
- Satellite operations at German Space Ops Center (DLR)
- Ground Segment Engineer, Crypto and data handling subsystem engineer
- Flight Director for both LEOP and routine of GEO sats
- Systems engineering for multi-mission environment
- Security evaluation of ground segment as per BSI Grundschutz
- Security Architect at Airbus
- Quantum Key Distribution and Post Quantum topics
- Security by design in PDR phase of aerospace classified projects (IRIS², SAGA [QKD], EPW)
- Lead System Security Architect at Rivada
- System security design and systems engineering
- Security governance and risk management

Matthias Wählisch
University of Dresden
Matthias is a full professor and holds the Chair of Distributed and Networked Systems at the Faculty of Computer Science at TU Dresden. He is also a Research Fellow of the Barkhausen Institute. His research and teaching focus is on scalable, reliable, and secure Internet communication. This includes the design and evaluation of networking protocols and architectures, as well as Internet measurements and analysis. He is actively involved in the IETF since 2005 and co-founded
some successful open source projects such as RIOT (https://riot-os.org/) and RTRlib (https://rtrlib.rpki.net/). Matthias is a member of the Advisory Board of BCIX, the Berlin Internet Exchange Point, and INSO, the Internet Namespace Security Observatory supported by the Internet Society (ISOC), and a co-founder of DD-IX, the Dresden Internet Exchange.

Maria Guta
Maria Guta is Senior 5G/6G Satcom Solutions Architect in the NTN Programme Office of the Directorate of Secure Communications and Connectivity in the European Space Agency (ESA), https://artes.esa.int/space-5g-6g. She prepares and implements initiatives for the development of 5G/6G satellite solutions; fostering the integration of satellite and terrestrial solutions for various verticals. Lead NTN Office efforts for NTN standardisation in 3GPP subsequent releases. Interfaces with external stakeholders - space and non-space organisations, national space agencies and EU to develop common understanding for the requirements for 5G/6G satellite networks. Recently created NTN-Forum hosted, an open collaborative platform that brings together over global experts, stakeholders, and industry leaders to advance the development and integration of NTNs in the evolving 5G Advanced and 6G
networks. She has more than 20 years of experience in satcom field. In her previous positions, she was with Eutelsat in the Systems Studies Division and the Space Engineering SpA in the Telecom Programmes Division.