Please read our Terms & Conditions

The AI & Digital Summit has been organised by the Events Team at AELP and is taking place on Wednesday 26 February 2025. 

Please ensure that you have read the terms and conditions below before registering for the conference.


All bookings and payments will be processed online, and all costs are subject to VAT.
Please pay via credit or debit card. If you are a Local Authority and/or college who is unable to pay via credit card, please start the booking, stop at the payment stage, and then email us with your PO number to request an invoice.

Delegate Initial Confirmation

Confirmation of bookings will be sent to the delegate(s) upon completion of the online registration form and payment on this site. If you have not received confirmation of your registration from AELP within two days of making your booking, please contact the AELP Events Team on 0117 947 2097 or via email at events@aelp.org.uk

Delegate Substitutions

Substitution of delegate place(s) is acceptable but will only be accepted up until 17:00 on Friday 21 February 2025. Please contact the AELP Events Team via email to arrange at events@aelp.org.uk.


Cancellations made before 17:00 on Monday 27 January 2025 are fully refundable. Cancellations made after 17:00 on Monday 27 January 2025 up to and including 17:00 on Monday 3 February 2025 will be subject to a 50% cancellation fee of the total cost of the booking. For any cancellations made after this time, the full amount will be payable.

If the conference is cancelled, AELP will endeavour to contact all delegates at the earliest opportunity to advise and all booking fees will be refunded. Please ensure you provide your mobile number as part of your booking journey.

Sponsorship Packages

To view the terms and conditions for the exhibition and sponsorship package, click here.


AELP reserves the right to change the agenda, content, speakers, and venue as necessary or cancel the conference.


This conference is being held both at Millennium Point, Birmingham and online. Further information on the venue and location for this conference can be found on the Venue page including the postal address, travel information and contact telephone number.

For those attending online, the conference will be accessible via Zoom webinar. It is the delegate’s responsibility to ensure the system connection is tested at least 48 hours prior to the start of the event. You will only need to do this once unless you log on from a different laptop or device. When attending the live event please make sure to log on 15 minutes prior to the start of the session. For further details on joining information please view your booking confirmation email. 


By booking to attend this event you agree to AELP using and storing your data i.e., your name, organisation, and email address. This information will be used for event preparation and printing of materials including, but not limited to, event attendee badges and attendance lists etc. AELP may also use your data to notify you of other events/conferences/webinars and/or AELP Member Meetings. We may also share your data with relevant event partners and sponsors in connection with the event/conference.


Please note that photographs and footage will be taken throughout AELP's AI and Digital Summit. These will be used by the AELP for marketing and publicity in our publications, on our website, and in social media or any third-party publication. Please contact the event organiser if you have any concerns. This is only applicable to those opting for the in-person delegate ticket.
Online attendees please note that the conference will be recorded, please contact the event organiser if you have any concerns.


Please note: This conference does not constitute legal advice.