Communication Matters Conference 2025

8 - 9 September, University of Leeds


Share your research insights and be in the running to join our speakers at the UK’s premier global event for the advancement of Augmentative and Alternative Communication.

Deadline for abstract submissions 16th April 2025.

A word cloud for the Identity theme


We welcome abstract submissions on this year's conference theme - 'Identity'. 

Presentations should be relevant to the field of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and where possible bring in the concept of identity. This topic can be broadly interpreted and could include content that looks at representation and influence of gender, culture and/or race, person-centred service delivery, self-advocacy, AI and technological advances, and neurodiversity.


Who can submit an abstract?

We are open to presentations from all in the AAC community including professionals and supporters, particularly AAC users and family members.

What type of submissions are you looking for?

We have based our topic areas for the presentations on the three aspects of evidence-based practice which represent improved outcomes for all. 

The topic areas:

  • Best Research Evidence: Papers submitted under this heading are carried out by independent organisations such as education, social or health services and universities. Authors should pay particular attention to describing the methodology and results of the study.
  • Clinical and Professional Service Delivery: Papers submitted under this heading may include service development, audit or implementation projects, as well as practice reports. Typically, these papers will be presented by those providing a service for AAC users.
  • Personal Stories and Case Studies: Papers submitted under this heading would include personal experience stories, single case studies and examples of AAC in the wider community. We particularly welcome contributions from AAC users and family members.


Evidence Based Practice

What format should the abstract be?

Choose from the following formats:

  • Platform presentation (45-minutes), 
  • Workshop presentation (45-minutes)
  • Poster or Lightning Talk (6.25 minutes or 12.5 minutes for AAC users).

How do I submit my abstract?

Create an account and login on our Abstract Submission page and fill in a simple form with a title and an abstract (a short summary) about your talk (maximum 300 words). 

When is the deadline for abstract submissions?

16 April 2025. However, please submit your abstract as soon as possible to help with our planning.

Any questions?

If you would like to talk to someone about the speaking opportunity or are unable to access the online submission system, please call us on 0113 343 1533 or email

You can find further information about our conference here

A photo of a plenary session at conference


Telephone: 0113 343 1533
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