The event "DRS STATE-OF-PLAY AND WAY FORWARD" is taking place on 14/06/2021 at 10:00.
The Commission reserves the right to accept or deny participation in relation to the topic of the workshop and the links that the participants have with the Security Research Programme.
As a follow-up of fruitful meetings in the Disaster-Resilient Societies (DRS) Thematic Area held from February to May 2021 within the “Community of European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS)”, DG HOME is planning to organise a DRS Information Day on the 14th June 2021, which will provide a snapshot of main research-related recommendations and perspectives collected from discussions in the areas of societal resilience, technologies for first responders, support to Sendai FWA, climate extreme events, multihazard risk management (critical infrastructures) and pandemics.
In this respect, panel discussions will take place around the different themes with key DRS actors, and information will be provided on Security research priorities in Horizon Europe. The meeting will have two sessions taking place from 10 to 12h30 and 14h00-16h30 CET via a Webex platform hosted by our contractor MCI. Please register if you'd like to attend this meeting.