Events > The New Frontiers of Circular Economy in the Food and Packaging Industry

The New Frontiers of Circular Economy
in the Food and Packaging Industry

01/10/21 10:00-11:30 & 25/10/2021 16:30-18:00 CEST

About the Events

On the occasion of the Milan Pre-COP, the UK Department for International Trade in Italy organised two events part of the series The Road to COP26 - The new frontiers of Circular Economy in the food and packaging industry.


Watch the event recording

1st October 2021 10:00 - 11:00 CEST - Part 1 

Milan, Villa Necchi Campiglio + Live streaming

During the event, authorities responsible for ecological transition, circular economy experts, trade exhibition players and NGOs discussed the main challenges that the food and packaging industry is facing to implement circular economy into daily operations and achieve sustainable growth.  
Speakers provided facts and figures, shared best practices and strategies to reduce waste and food waste, preserve raw materials and resources, recycle and reuse to accelerate the transition to circular economy and the virtuous cycle.  
The talk served as a door opener to a follow-on workshop on 25th October during TUTTOFOOD and MEAT TECH by Ipack Ima trade shows. 
25th October 2021 16:30 CEST - Part 2 Business focused  
Rho Fieramilano, Event Hall Pav. 15 + Live streaming   
Following on from the Pre-COP institutional event on 1st October, the UK Department for International Trade in Italy, in partnership with MEAT-TECH by Ipack Ima and TUTTOFOOD presented innovative sustainable solutions from British businesses to blend circular economy into the food and packaging industry and promote sustainable practices across the sector.  
The event featured case studies from British and Italian enterprises that had the opportunity to share their sustainability plans and present innovative and sustainable products.

25th October 2021 16:30 CEST - Part 2 

Rho Fieramilano, Event Hall Pav. 15 + Live streaming  

Following on from the Pre-COP institutional event on 1st October, the UK Department for International Trade in Italy, in partnership with MEAT-TECH by Ipack Ima and TUTTOFOOD, will present innovative sustainable solutions from business to blend circular economy into the food and packaging industry and promote sustainable practices across the sector. 
The event will feature case studies from British and Italian enterprises that will have the opportunity to pitch and share their sustainability plans and present innovative and sustainable products.


01 October 2021 Event

Speakers 01 October 2021

Ilaria Regondi, Her Majesty's Deputy Trade Commissioner for Europe, Department for International Trade

Ilaria is Deputy Trade Commissioner for Europe and Director of the Department for International Trade (DIT) in France. Currently based at the British Embassy in Paris, Ilaria has over 12 years’ international experience in the public sector. Most recently, she served as DIT’s Deputy Director for the International Strategy Directorate, responsible for DIT’s Europe, Middle East and Central Asia desks.
Ilaria has held a variety of senior positions in the UK’s Department of Health, namely as ministerial chief of staff and Chief Operating Officer to Healthcare UK. She was a member of the World Bank’s East Asia team based in Washington, the World Health Organisation in Geneva and the Overseas Development Institute in South Africa. Her academic background is in international relations, economics and health policy. Ilaria is an avid traveller and cyclist and is married with one child. 

Jill Morris, Her Majesty's Ambassador to Italy

Ms Jill Morris CMG was appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Italian Republic and Her
Majesty’s non-resident Ambassador to the Republic of San Marino in succession to Mr Christopher
Prentice CMG. Ms Morris took up her appointment during July 2016.

Tom Cumberlege, Associate Director, The Carbon Trust

Tom leads the Carbon Trust's work on value chain analysis and strategy. He has extensive experience helping businesses to understand their climate change risks and opportunities, working across a diverse range of sectors including agriculture, food and drink processing, retail, FMCG, heavy industry, financial services and luxury goods. 
His advice enables clients to realise low carbon investment opportunities across their value chains, optimise product design, set targets, engage suppliers and evaluate financing solutions. Tom has supported a wide range of businesses and institutions, such as Coca-Cola, Bord Bia, the IFC, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Nationwide, Quorn Foods, Nynas and thyssenkrupp. He has also developed guidance for the GHG Protocol’s Scope 3 Standard on behalf of the World Resources Institute. 

Roberta Re, Food & Drink Investment Specialist, Department for International Trade

Roberta has over 20 years’ experience across academia, industry and government; in her role as Director of Cambridge Food Science, she provides expert support and knowledge to the global food and beverage sector with market relevant practical solutions throughout a product’s lifecycle, solving scientific, nutrition and regulatory challenges. Roberta now brings these skills, in her role as Food and Drink Investment Specialist, to the Department for International Trade.
Roberta graduated in Pharmacy in Italy, then moved to the University of California, Berkeley, and obtained her PhD in Biochemistry from Kings College London before joining the Medical Research Council (MRC HNR) in Cambridge. After several years in academia, she moved to Leatherhead Food Research in 2007 before becoming Director General of the World Sugar Research Organisation (WSRO). She was awarded an MBA from the University of Sussex at the beginning of 2015. 

Paola Sarco, Exhibition Manager Business Unit Food, Fiera Milano SpA

After graduating in Languages ​​and Social Communications, she begins working in the world of digital television, but soon discovers her true passion for the trade fair industry. She changes several companies and holds different roles until she lands in Reed Exhibitions, a world leader in the organization of events, where she gain a deeper vision of the sector, learns a method and strengthens her organizational skills . With the passage to Fiera Milano she consolidates her knowledge covering the role of Exhibition Manager of TUTTOFOOD.

Luigi Rossi, Vice President, Pane Quotidiano

Dal 1993 al settembre 2003 Amministratore Delegato di SARO Servizi Finanziari S.p.A., società di intermediazione finanziaria iscritta nell’elenco generale ex art. 106 TUB.
Dall’ottobre 2003 al 2008, Amministratore di SARO S.p.A., società di intermediazione finanziaria iscritta nell’elenco generale ex art. 106 TUB.
Dal 2008 al luglio 2011, Amministratore di CREDITZONE S.p.A., società di intermediazione finanziaria iscritta nell’elenco generale ex art. 106 TUB.
Da agosto 2011 Amministratore Delegato di PUNTO QUINTO S.p.A., società di intermediazione finanziaria, che opera nell’ambito dei prestiti con cessione del quinto dello stipendio rivolti ai dipendenti pubblici, privati e pensionati. 
Da giugno 2009 Presidente del Consiglio di Amministrazione di Requist S.r.l., società con attività di assunzione e gestione di partecipazioni in altre società od enti. 
Da settembre 2011 Consigliere di Amministrazione di Alma S.r.l., società immobiliare. 
Impegnato nel Sociale dal 2003 nell’Associazione Pane Quotidiano di Milano nella quale rivesto attualmente la carica di Vice-Presidente.

Raimondo Orsini, Director, Fondazione per Lo Sviluppo Sostenibile

Laureato in legge alla LUISS di Roma con tesi sperimentale in diritto dell’ ambiente e Master in management ISFORT/Politecnico di Milano, dopo l’esperienza presso uno studio legale ambientale, dove si è occupato prevalentemente di finanziamenti comunitari e sostegno alle imprese, è stato coordinatore del nucleo ambientale di Trenitalia dal 1999 al 2005. Dopo un breve periodo a Bruxelles, è stato nominato senior advisor dell’ International Union of Railways di Parigi (UIC) ed ha guidato vari progetti internazionali, fra cui il Programma volontario di riduzione delle emissioni di CO2 delle imprese ferroviarie nel mondo. Membro di gruppi di lavoro della Commissione Europea, dell’Agenzia Ambientale Europea e del World Economic Forum, è stato anche valutatore esterno dei finanziamenti UE in materia di energia. Relatore in conferenze internazionali e autore di varie pubblicazioni, e’ Direttore della Fondazione per lo sviluppo sostenibile dal Novembre 2008.

Rossano Bozzi, Chief Executive Officer Ipack Ima SRL

Passionate in innovation and technologies, he has a significant experience in B2B events focusing on manufacturing and supply chain solutions for food and non-food industries. Since 2019 he’s been appointed as the CEO and Executive Director of Ipack Ima - the JV company of The Italian Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association (UCIMA) and Fiera Milano – which has in its portfolio IPACK-IMA, the leading trade show on processing and packaging technologies for the FMCG industries, and MEAT-TECH, the show presenting ingredients and manufacturing solutions for the meat, cold cuts and ready meals industries.

Catriona Graham, British Consul General and Director of DIT Italy

Catriona Graham was appointed British Consul General in Milan and Director of the Department for International Trade in Italy in October 2019. 
Catriona was previously Commercial Counsellor at the British Embassy in Beijing leading on UK-China trade and investment in the energy sector. She has worked for the UK Government since 2010 primarily focussed on trade, investment, energy and climate change issues. On secondment from Government, Catriona has spent time working at the European Commission and in several renewable energy companies. 
Catriona graduated in Natural Sciences (Physics) from Cambridge University and holds a master's degree from Edinburgh University in Sustainable Energy Engineering.