Workshop on Special Investment Programmes and Projects, Experience from UK in Peru:

Planning, Management & Financing


Lima - Peru


Day 01: Peru's Infrastructure System and Special Project Framework - Oportunities and Challenges. A Look at the British Experience

(Thursday, April 21st, 2022)


The first day provided an appreciation of some different areas of expertise of a major project from a client perspective and reinforce the importance of thinking about the delivery strategies for Peruvian infrastructure at early stages and the benefits of Special Project Vehicles/Specil Frameworks/PEIP.

Video Link:


Day 02: Testing the Future of Project Management in Peru

(Friday, April 22nd, 2022)


UK companies with experience in Peru presented the concepts raised on the day one, to provide practical recommendations and tools available to plan, design, manage, finance, deliver and operate major infrastructure projects, with a taste from their experience ssisting organisations in the market.

Video Link: