CDN Workforce Survey 2022 – What did we find out?
Thursday, 15th September 2022
10:30 - 12:00
About the event
This event will share the findings of the CDN Workforce Survey that was delivered in February/March 2022. The survey, co-designed with the sector and delivered by CDN sought the views of the Scottish College Workforce and explored a whole host of topics including Professional Learning, Digital Capability, Equality Diversity and Inclusion and Sustainability.
This event will explore the key findings from across the college workforce, and outline some key considerations for future professional learning planning, at both college and sector level.
The event will consist of a presentation of key findings from the survey, discussion relating to key themes, Q&A, and an optional workshop at the end of the presentation to discuss findings and next steps.
This will interest individuals involved in workforce development within the College sector, both in Scotland in addition to the rest of the UK.
Confirmed Speakers
Join us to hear our expert speakers providing opinion, information, analysis and inspiration.
Sign up now to secure your place for this event.