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Talking Movie Night hosted by
British Embassy Vilnius

Breaking Boundaries: The Science Of Our Planet
Featuring Sir David Attenborough

British Embassy Vilnius is hosting a screening of the documentary Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet preceded by a discussion on how to turn communication on climate change into action on Friday 10 September at Palace of Grand Dukes’ Grand Courtyard from 17:00 to 20:40 hrs. 

About the discussion. Before the screening, we invite you to join a discussion on how we can turn communication on climate change into action with Jon Clay, director of Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet documentary, prof. Egidijus Rimkus, climatology professor at Vilnius University, Dovilė Šorytė, environmental behavioural psychologist, and Vaiva Grainytė a Lithuanian writer, playwright, essayist and poet.

The discussion will be moderated by a journalist Živilė Kropaitė, and will focus on how to communicate complex scientific facts to a wider society, how to avoid eco-anxiety and use art to reveal the significance of climate change.

About the film. Breaking Boundaries: The Science of our Planet documentary is presented by COP26 People’s Advocate, Sir David Attenborough. The film powerfully examines the science behind the climate impact humans have had on Earth and sets out the measures we can take to protect the planet. The film has been created by award-winning filmmakers Silverback films, and was released globally on 4 June 2021.

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10 September 2021
5:00 pm - 8:40 pm EET


Please RSVP by 8 September by completing a form using this link.

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