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Investment opportunities in London
Lunch discussion and Q&A - Latvia

London is a fantastic place for Latvian companies to grow their businesses, raise funding, hire talent, access the world’s sixth largest economy, and become globally competitive.

To explore investment opportunities in London, the UK’s Department for Business and Trade (DBT) at the British Embassy Riga and The British Chamber of Commerce in Latvia invite entrepreneurs to a discussion and networking event at the Radisson Blu Rīdzene Hotel. 

Join Salla Hänninen from London & Partners to discuss and find out how we can support your company grow in London.

London & Partners is a non-profit public-private partnership established by the Mayor of London in 2011.

Its goal is to showcase London's diversity, innovation, and opportunities on a global scale, emphasising London's leading role in attracting investments worldwide, as well as the employment and educational opportunities it offers.

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Date: Wednesday, 20 March 2024
Time: 12.00 - 14.00
Venue: Radisson Blu Rīdzene Hotel, Reimersa street 1, Riga

Registration form

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Growing Green Together is a regional clean growth campaign from the UK's Department for Business and Trade in Europe spanning the Northern Europe & the Baltic region.

Growing Green Together website

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