Summer Academy 2020: Social Protection
The summer academy 2020 aims to look at the emerging trends in social protection from the climate change adaptation perspective. Social protection is of key importance for shaping human vulnerability towards floods, droughts, storms and other hazards. It includes important elements such as health insurance, cash transfer assistance, disability benefits or food assistance programmes. All of these are of key relevance for mitigating vulnerability and buffering the effects of future climatic hazards. At the same time, they are currently under a massive transformation in many countries, mostly with uncertain outcomes and unclear effects on vulnerability. The existing methodological toolkits and bodies of knowledge are, however, strikingly thin to date, calling for substantially increased scientific efforts. Assessing plausible scenarios of future trajectories in social protection – and especially its breadth and depth – is therefore of great urgency.
*** Organizers are regularly assessing the likely impacts of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic on the health and wellbeing of participants of the academy. Ensuring sound health and safety of everyone involved is our prime concern and we will continue monitoring the situation. This may result in changes in the dates of academy. Further information in this regard will be updated on respective websites ***
Application process:
- 10 March 2020: Call for applications
- 03 May 2020: Application deadline (extended)
- 01 June 2020: Notification of acceptance
Further information will be provided on these websites: