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Project Submission page
Submit your project through the online submission tool available here below. We recommend using Google Chrome when uploading your project.  
Please be informed you will need to create a user profile before being able to submit your project. Once you have created your user profile, you will be able to submit your project. 
Useful tip!
You will be able to start and save your project and submit it at a later stage when your project is totally finalised. 
  • Project Submission Extended Deadline: Monday, 09 December 2024at midnight CET.

Participation requirements 

Who can apply?
The candidate must fulfil all criteria below:
  • Take care of patients with B-cell hematological malignancies
  • May not be an employee of the pharmaceutical industry

The prize money cannot be allocated to fund a salary; however, it can cover activity and material costs.

Which projects are eligible?

Projects focused on the optimisation of care for patients with B-cell hematological malignancies (Waldenström, MZL, CLL/SLL, FL, MCL …) both in hospital or outpatient setting (but with a link to the hospital), dedicated to improve the patient journey of patients with B-cell hematological malignancies and their outcomes, such as multidisciplinary clinical projects (involving for instance hematologists, hospital pharmacists, nurses, onco or hemato coaches, psychologists, onco-cardiologists, …), data generation projects (such as registrreal-worldworld evidence…) or other innovative projects. The project must not be directly linked to the use of a specific pharmaceutical speciality. The project must be carried out in compliance with the Protection of Privacy Law.

Evaluation criteria
  • Relevance and impact of the project in the improvement of lymphoma patient care (50%)
  • Originality of the project in terms of the proposed theme (25%)
  • Feasibility of the project (20%)
  • Relevance of the budgetary estimate (5%)

Application requirements

The application must preferably be written in English** and must consist of :

  • an information form containing the different project members and including the curriculum vitae of the applicant
  • a summary in abstract format with a maximum of 2500 characters (including spaces) for possible publication in the Belgian Journal of Hematology
  • a detailed project form with a maximum of 3 pages including a budget estimate Detailed project form BeiGene Indolent Lymphoma Award 2022.doc

* templates are available in the online submission tool

** applications in French or Dutch are acceptable, but the abstract/summary must be in English

A monetary grant of EUR 25.000 will be awarded to the winner(s). The results of the selection will be announced during the 2025 General Annual Meeting of the BHS. This award has been made possible with an unrestricted grant from BeiGene.


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