1. Click on the grey button on the top left
2. If you are a new user, please register by clicking on “NEW USER” and create your account (please remember your password)
3. Once your account is created you can proceed and start working on your abstract by clicking on “submissions” “add new”
4. You can change your profile information until your abstract is submitted
5. You can adapt your abstract until it is submitted and as long as the deadline for submission has not passed (05/02/2024)

Note: In the event that you have not yet received our confirmation email, kindly inspect your spam folder.


Researchers can choose to submit a single abstract, a mini-symposium or a non-scientific abstract. 


Abstract submission must be completed online via the DCD15-IMDRC6 website. Abstracts sent by e-mail, mail or fax will not be accepted.
Abstracts must be unbiased and conflicts of interest shall be disclosed. Papers that are written in a manner that promotes a company, service, or product will not be considered.
All authors have consented to be included as co-authors, have read and approved the abstract and its contents, and agree with the results stated.
The work described was conducted by the authors in accordance with current ethical standards and regulations.

Themes & topics:
To facilitate abstract review and programming, we would like you to indicate the theme that corresponds best with its content. 

The themes are:

  • Underlying mechanisms of motor development, control and learning
    • Including but not limited to motor processes, sensory processes, and action-perception.
  • Measurement/Assessment/Diagnostics
    • Including but not limited to psychometrics, comorbidity or co-occurrence, and neuro-diversity.
  • Intervention/Promotion
    • Including but not limited to rehabilitation, health promotion and motor therapy.  
  • Associated factors
    • Including but not limited to psychosocial or sociological factors.
  • Other (Please specify your topic in your abstract title).

Types of sessions for accepted abstracts:
Please indicate, if accepted, your preferred presentation types:

  • Oral Presentation (10 minutes presentation, followed by 5 minutes of Q&A’s)
  • Moderated e-poster (5 minutes presentation, followed by 2 minutes of Q&A’s) organized in the poster area presentation corner.

Abstract publication:
The proceedings of the conference will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Motor Learning and Development.

Abstract Title:
The title should not exceed 150 characters. 

Abstract Body:

  • The abstract body should not exceed 2.000 characters (excluding spaces). 
  • The abstract body cannot contain tables or figures.
  • The abstract should be submitted in English only. The use of correct English is essential. Authors are responsible for proofreading and submitting an abstract without errors, as they will be reproduced in the form they were submitted.
  • Abbreviations can be used in an abstract body, provided they are defined at first usage.
  • The abstract body should be constructed as follows:

    Background: A short introduction indicating the rationale of the study.
    Methods-Results: A brief description of pertinent methodological procedures including a summary of the results of the research. 
    Conclusions: A statement of the main conclusions.
    References: If included, use Vancouver citation style.

Relevance for society:
Please indicate here the relevance or impact of the submitted work in relation to the society. (max. 400 characters excl. spaces)


  • The first author (=presenting author) is responsible for the abstract content and is the contact person for communication purposes and dissemination of information to co-authors. 
  • First author and co-authors need to provide their full name and affiliation(s).
  • The first author is the lead presenter at the conference. 
  • Only 2 abstracts per first author can be accepted.


  • The abstract submission platform will remain open until 15 January 2024 and abstracts might be edited until this time, provided they are in ‘incomplete’ (Draft mode).
  • To submit the abstract, each submitter needs to click “save and submit” at the last step to complete the process. Abstracts that are in “incomplete’ (Draft mode)” status after submission deadline will not be considered for revision.
  • An abstract should be submitted only once, resubmission is not permitted. 
  • Each abstract submitter will be required to create an account at the submission platform.
  • Abstracts will be checked for plagiarism and will be automatically rejected if plagiarism is identified.


In our program, we have a limited number of slots available for mini-symposia. Mini-symposia are short 1 to 1.5 hour sessions around hot or emerging topics in our area of research. What about aquatic motor development, for example? Or, Neurodiversity and the need for diagnosis? 
In a mini-symposium at least two scholars coming from two different institutes present their work. The moderation of the session is in the hands of one of the submitters. A slot of 1h is provided for 2-3 presenters; for 4 or more presenters if 1.5h is taken. 
If the number of submissions exceeds the number of available timeslots, the selection of mini-symposia will be made in view of a balanced program. In that case, we may ask you to submit your work as single abstracts. 

Submission must be completed online only via the DCD15-IMDRC6 website. Submissions sent by e-mail, mail or fax will not be accepted.
The work must be unbiased and conflicts of interest shall be disclosed. Papers that are written in a manner that promotes a company, service, or product will not be considered.
All authors have consented to be included as co-authors, have read and approved the abstract and its contents, and agree with the results stated.
The work described was conducted by the authors in accordance with current ethical standards and regulations.

Themes & topics:
To facilitate review and programming, we would like you to indicate the theme that corresponds best with its content. 

The themes are:

  • Underlying mechanisms of motor development, control and learning
    • Including but not limited to motor processes, sensory processes, and action-perception.
  • Measurement/Assessment/Diagnostics
    • Including but not limited to psychometrics, comorbidity or co-occurrence, and neuro-diversity.
  • Intervention/Promotion
    • Including but not limited to rehabilitation, health promotion and motor therapy.  
  • Associated factors
    • Including but not limited to psychosocial or sociological factors.
  • Other (Please specify your topic in your abstract title).

Abstract publication:
The proceedings of the conference will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Motor Learning and Development

Title of the mini-symposium:
The title should not exceed 150 characters.

General abstract of the mini-symposium:

  • The abstract body should not exceed 2.000 characters (excluding spaces). 
  • The abstract should be submitted in English only. The use of correct English is essential. Authors are responsible for proofreading and submitting an abstract without errors, as they will be reproduced in the form they were submitted.
  • Abbreviations can be used in an abstract body, provided they are defined at first usage.
  • The abstract body should provide a description of the overall theme and highlight the pertinence of the topic.

Please indicate here the relevance or impact of the submitted work in relation to the society. (max. 400 characters excl. spaces)

If included, use Vancouver citation style.

Contributors to the mini-symposium:
List all presenters and indicate the moderator of the mini-symposium.
The first presenter is responsible for the general abstract and is the contact person for communication purposes and dissemination of information to co-presenters.
All presenters need to provide their full name and affiliation(s).
Time slot:  Select 1 (for max 3 presenters) or 1.5h (for more presenters)


  • The abstract submission platform will remain open until 15 January 2024 and abstracts might be edited until this time, provided they are in ‘incomplete’ (Draft mode).
  • To submit the abstract, each submitter needs to click “save and submit” at the last step to complete the process. Abstracts that are in “incomplete’ (Draft mode)” status after submission deadline will not be considered for revision.
  • An abstract should be submitted only once, resubmission is not permitted. 
  • Each abstract submitter will be required to create an account at the submission platform.
  • Abstracts will be checked for plagiarism and will be automatically rejected if plagiarism is identified.