The 19TH European Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology will be held 9th – 12th September 2025 in the heart of London at the Central Hall Westminster.
The Scientific and Organising Committee (SOC) invites you to submit a proposal for a session to form part of the programme of the congress. The ECCN has a well-deserved reputation for scientific and educational excellence and the SOC would like you to contribute to this.
There is the option to submit a proposal for symposia, teaching courses and workshops.
To submit a proposal, please create your account. Once you have created your account you will see a new tab called 'Submissions' where you will be able to manage all submissions. Using your log in details created, you will also be able to log in/out of the system to work on your submissions until the deadline.
In the form you will be asked to provide:
- a session title
- a short summary (up to 300 words) for the session, including objectives, reason for choosing the topic, anticipated learning outcome for the audience
- details for each presentation, including the title and suggested speakers
Financial Support
Symposium, Teaching course and Workshop Speakers will receive a free Congress registration
DEADLINE: 15 October 2024
IMPORTANT - Instructions for Session Proposals
Please review the following important points before preparing a session proposal:
- Symposia are 90 minutes in duration and include 3 presenters; please prepare your proposal with this in mind. Teaching sessions and workshop are either 90 or 180 minutes (please specify in proposal) and include up to 3 speakers per 90 minutes.
- The SOC welcomes proposals for sessions from all people in the field of Clinical Neurophysiology. A person/group proposing a session should have substantial experience in the suggested topic. The inclusion of early-stage researchers/clinicians in every session (under 40 years of age) is encouraged.
- Include the name and contact details of the person submitting the proposal.
- The person submitting a proposal does not have to be included in the programme proposed. However, all correspondence will be sent to the person submitting the proposal and it will be his/her responsibility to pass the information to the proposer. A proposer who is not speaking, is not entitled to free registration.
- When suggesting speakers, it is essential to ensure regional, geographical, gender and age diversity.
- Whenever appropriate, sessions should include social aspects of the topic.
- Session proposals may only be submitted using this online form; proposals will not be accepted if submitted in any other way.
Please note:
- The SOC will review all proposals and will be responsible for the final selection/creation of sessions. Presentations and/or speakers may be changed or amended to fit the overall programme as the SOC deems it appropriate.
- All proposals will be given due consideration, but the submission of a proposal does not guarantee approval by the SOC.
- Notification of the SOC’s decision will be made following the review process, in late autumn 2024.