
The 5th ICIS & ELGI Industrial Lubricants Conference

Increasing global efficiencies and operational optimisation through innovations in industrial lubricants

19 - 20 June 2018 // Amsterdam Marriott Hotel, The Netherlands

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Are you up to date with formulation requirements for higher-performance lubricants? What are the latest insights from the end applications that will affect your business strategy moving forward? Where are the key opportunities to capitalise on within metalworking fluids?

The industrial lubricants market is an evolving one, focused heavily on producing higher quality and better performing lubricants that are meeting the ever-changing demands of the industrial sectors served, including, but not limited to, food production, marine, rail, gearboxes and transmission, power generation and turbines, construction, mining, agriculture equipment.

For the 5th edition of this global conference in Europe, the focus will be on the requirements of lubricants of the future and the innovations in formulations to meet these needs. As a conference that tackles both the technical challenges but also the commercial opportunities within the industrial sector, the ICIS & ELGI Industrial Lubricants Conference is the meeting place for the whole industrial lubricants sector, bringing together over 450 attendees since launch from Canada to China.

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We annually feature a leading speaker line-up of technical and commercial industry experts from some of the highest profile companies in the world. We will shortly be announcing our first set of speakers...

Interested in Speaking?
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Conference Agenda

As the industrial lubricants market evolves, as does the agenda. 2018 will see presentations reviewing the commercial opportunities as well as more technical troubleshooting lessons addressing some of the sector’s most pertinent operational issues. Additionally, NEW for 2018, will be a roundtable session focusing in on insights from industries served by industrial lubricants, giving you more from your time out of the office

View Conference Agenda

Seminar Agenda

Post-conference Seminar: Metalworking Fluids
Once again for 2018, we are offering a post-conference seminar on 20 June on metalworking fluids.

View Seminar Agenda

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Take this opportunity to foster existing relationships whilst developing new commercial connections through bespoke promotional packages.

Contact us for more information
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2017 Post-Event Report

Download the 2017 post event report to find out who was there, what topics were covered and who our speakers were...

Download Report