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Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP)
We unlock the Leeds City Region’s vast economic potential by enabling businesses to grow and develop.
We work with partners across the public and private sectors with the goal of stimulating growth that will create jobs and prosperity for everyone who lives, works and does business here.
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West Yorkshire Combined Authority
The Combined Authority (CA) has two major delivery committees: the Investment Committee and the Transport Committee. Other committees have been set up to ensure probity through careful scrutiny of decisions and processes, and strict governance and audit.
The CA is responsible for the £1 billion west Yorkshire Plus Transport Fund, and works closely with business in the region through the Leeds City Region LEP to ensure that business and the regional economy is at the heart of the decisions taken.
Future strategic groups will be set up to deliver on individual aims, for example on quality public transport.
And while the leadership of the CA is from council leaders, local politicians and the public sector, representatives from other partners – including the private sector, other public sector agencies and the voluntary sector – are key to its success.
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Northern Health Science Alliance
The Northern Health Science Alliance Ltd (NHSA) is a partnership established by the leading Universities and NHS Hospital Trusts in the North of England to improve the health and wealth of the region by creating an internationally recognized life science and healthcare system.
The NHSA links 10 universities and 10 NHS Teaching Trusts with the four northern Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs). Together the Alliance cover a patient population of 16 million people. The NHSA acts as a single portal bringing together research, health science innovation and commercialisation to provide benefits for researchers, universities, hospitals, patients as well as commercial partners.
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