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Presentation slides

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Hannah Bryson-Jones, Senior Consultant at Element Energy Ltd

‘Chicken and egg’ hydrogen supply vs demand development. What’s the way forward? Key challenges 


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Nigel Holmes, CEO at Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association

Learning by doing – hydrogen and fuel cell deployments in Scotland 


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William Darby, Senior Consultant at Element Energy Ltd

Hydrogen for road transport: public transport, HGV, private users – where to start? 


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Leonore Van Velzen, Hydrogen Project Manager at European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC)

Hydrogen for maritime – is it the future? 


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Prof Nigel Brandon, Director, UK Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Hub at Imperial College London

The role of hydrogen in supporting a low carbon transition of the UK economy: key drivers and challenges 


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Steffan Eldred, Knowledge Transfer Manager for Energy & Infrastructure at Innovate UK KTN

Research and innovation as a key factor for clean hydrogen industry growth 


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