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Sustainable Consumption Roundtable

DIT Finland hosted a sustainable roundtable discussion for targeted potential and existing Finnish FDI companies at the Embassy in Helsinki.

The aim was to present the UK net zero ambitions and engage with potential and existing Finnish FDI companies to understand their views on sustainability, how they take it into account in their business, consumption, stakeholder relations and how it has changed their international business, and especially speak about the UK market.

The keynote was given by Clair Gammage, Professor of International and Commercial Law at the University of Exeter. We had also a presentation from the Finnish company Lunawood regarding their sustainability approach and how they include it in their business strategy when exploring the UK market entry.

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Tuesday, 1 November 2022
Helsinki, Finland
The event is by invitation only

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Growing Green Together is a regional campaign from the UK's Department for International Trade in Europe spanning the Northern Europe & the Baltic region.

Growing Green Together website

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