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Growing Green Together Inward Mission for the aerospace sector

DIT Finland and DIT Norway are organising a Growing Green Together Inward Mission for the aerospace sector.

The aim of the trip is to showcase the innovation and expertise in the UK aerospace industry with specific focus on future flight, future infrastructure and future fuels.

Nordic guests will include airport authorities, airlines, research institutes and authorities.

The 3-day programme will include

  • Cranfield University and Cranfield Aerospace – DARTeC and AIRC, Project Fresson 
  • Visit to Bristol Airport to look at sustainable plans both future and already implemented, including solar and hydrogen 
  • GKN Aerospace Global Technology Centre 
  • When Innovation meets Regulation:  meeting with the Innovation Futures Hub of the CAA
  • Future Flight Challenge: Heathrow and Air Mobility Ecosystem Consortium
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14 - 16 February 2023
This trade event will be by invitation only

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Growing Green Together is a regional campaign from the UK's Department for International Trade in Europe spanning the Northern Europe & the Baltic region.

Growing Green Together website

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