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2023 Arctic Circle Assembly

Arctic Circle is the largest network of international dialogue and cooperation on the future of the Arctic and our Planet.

It is an open democratic platform with participation from governments, organizations, corporations, universities, think tanks, environmental associations, indigenous communities, concerned citizens, and others. It is nonprofit and nonpartisan.

The Arctic Circle Assembly is the largest annual international gathering on the Arctic, attended by more than 2000 participants from over 60 countries.

Climate change calls for actions and at this year's Assembly, a wide range of institutional investors are expected to be present to talk about how the private sector can be a foundation for energy security and green transition.

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19 - 21 of October 2023
Reykjavík, Iceland

More information

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Growing Green Together is a regional campaign from the UK's Department for International Trade in Europe spanning the Northern Europe & the Baltic region.

Growing Green Together website

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